You can choose a print from the Library's 3D catalog or search for pre-existing designs on the Internet. Then either print the model "as-is" or modify the model using 3D modeling software.
3D Print Catalog - fun, ready-to-go 3D print ideas recommended by the library's print staff.
Thingiverse - MakerBot's searchable design library community
MyMiniFactory - A curated social platform for 3D printable objects.
Tinkercad - a browser-based 3D design platform, now part of Autodesk (free version available)
Sketchup - comes in free or pro versions. Get the Sketchup STL from the Extension Warehouse
Blender - a free and open source 3D creation suite
How to Fix and Repair Your 3D Files
How to Make Strong 3D Prints
Blender and Tinkercad tutorials are available through the library's access to LinkedIn Learning (previously