1 week - Movies, magazines, Here & Now Collection (books & movies)
3 weeks - Books, specially marked movies, audiobooks and kits (children's books and cds).
6 weeks - Book Club Kits
Gadgets & Things: The item record in the online catalog will give specific details on lending limits, renewals, and holds.
100 per card - items (seasonal and holiday items may have additional checkout limits. Please look for posted notices.)
20 per card - movies and magazines
20 per card - holds
1 week - dvds (no renewals)
3 weeks - print materials and compact discs (1 renewal)
20 per card - Checkout Limit
Items checked out on your account will automatically renew up to three times, unless the item is on hold for another customer or you have $50.00 or more in fees on your account. Renewal periods will be the same length as the original loan period.
Most physical items are eligible for automatic renewals. Materials that are not eligible for auto-renewal include Interlibrary Loan, Here & Now Collection, Lucky Day Collection, some Prospector items, and digital downloaded content from Libby, hoopla, and similar services.