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Board of Trustees & Organization Policies

Poudre River Library District
Board of Trustees

These Bylaws of the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of the Poudre River Public Library District (the “District”) are adopted this ___day of ________, 20__ at the District’s regular monthly meeting pursuant to §24-90-109(a), Colorado Revised Statutes.

The name of this organization shall be the Poudre River Public Library District (the “District”), a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, established and existing pursuant to §§24-90-101 et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes (the “Library Law”), as formed by Larimer County and the City of Fort Collins (the “Appointing Authorities”).

Section 1. Appointment and Makeup. The management and control of the District shall be vested in a Board of seven (7) trustees (the “Trustees”) appointed in accordance with §24-90-108, all of whom must reside within the boundaries of the District.

Section 2. Terms of Trustees. Each term shall be four (4) years, and no Trustee shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. Terms shall be staggered so at least one and no more than two Trustee positions are appointed or reappointed each year. A Trustee’s term shall expire on the day of the annual meeting and the term of a newly appointed Trustees shall begin at the annual meeting.

For the purpose of the two-term limitation, any appointment to fill a vacancy with a remaining unexpired term shall be considered a completed term if the unexpired term exceeds 24 full months from the date the Trustee takes his or her oath of office.

Section 3. Vacancies. Vacancies may occur due to the expiration of a Trustee’s term and any reappointment, resignation or disqualification because of residency. All vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term as soon as possible in the manner in which Trustees are regularly chosen.

Section 4. Appointment of New Trustees. When a vacancy exists or will be created due to an expiring term, a new Trustee shall be appointed in accordance with procedures of C.R.S.§24-90-108(2)(c).

Section 5. No Salary. A Trustee shall not receive a salary or other compensation as a Trustee, but necessary traveling and subsistence expenses actually incurred may be paid from the Library Fund. Reimbursement of permitted expenses shall be governed by a separately approved policy.

Section 6. Removal of a Trustee. A Trustee may be removed only by a majority vote of the Appointing Authorities and only upon a showing of good cause. Good cause shall include, but not be limited to, failure to attend, without justification, three consecutive regular monthly meetings of the Board.

Section 7. Powers and Duties. The Board shall have those duties, responsibilities, and powers set forth in §§24-90-101, et seq., C.R.S., as may be revised from time to time. In addition, the Board shall have all powers necessary or incidental to the specific powers granted by statute or those powers reasonably necessary to perform its duties and responsibilities.

Section 8. Authorization. Membership on the Board does not, under any circumstances, authorize a Trustee to represent or bind the Board in any official capacity whatsoever except as such authority is granted and approved in writing by a vote of the Board taken at a regular or special meeting.


Section 1. All Business Conducted at Open Meetings. All business of the Board shall be conducted only during regular or special meetings hereinafter provided for, and all such regular and special meetings shall be open to the public, subject to the right of the Board to meet in executive session.

Section 2. Regular Meetings. A regular meeting of the Board shall be held every month, unless otherwise ordered by the Board, for the purpose of transacting the business of the District.

Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by any Trustee or the Executive Director for any purpose, including for the purpose of planning and goal setting or the study and discussion of matters to come before the Board. Minutes will be taken at all special meetings and will be part of the public record. Special meetings may be called upon 24 hours’ notice to the Trustees and to the public. Notice to the public shall be given in the manner required by law.
Section 4. Notice; Open Meetings; Executive Sessions. Notice of all meetings of three (3) or more Trustees shall be given in the manner prescribed in §24-6-402(c), C.R.S., regardless if such meeting is a regular or special meeting. All meetings shall be open to the public, except that at any regular or special meeting, the Board may proceed into executive session upon a majority vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the quorum present for the purpose of considering any matters permitted under §24-6-402(4), C.R.S. The Board shall retain executive session records for ninety (90) days after the date of the executive session in compliance with Section
24-6-402(2)(d.S)(II)(E), C.R.S.

Section 5. Quorum. A majority of the Trustees of the District shall constitute a quorum necessary for the transaction of any business at any regular or special meeting of the Board. The act of the majority of Trustees constituting a quorum at a regular or special meeting shall be the act of the Board.

Section 6. Public Participation in Meetings. Members of the public shall be invited to participate in all regular or special meetings of the Board during a portion of the agenda set aside for this purpose. A time limit for public comment may be set upon the approval of the Board to ensure the efficient transaction of business.

Section 7. Annual Meeting. The regular meeting of the Board for the month of March of each year shall be designated as the annual meeting. At the annual meeting the officers shall be elected to serve for the ensuing year.

Section 8. Roll Call Votes. A Trustee may call for a roll call vote at any time on any matter of business.

Section 9. Rules Governing Conduct of Meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order Revised, most recent edition, shall govern the proceedings of the Board in all cases where not in conflict with these bylaws.


Section 1. Designation of Officers. The officers of the Board shall consist of a president, a vice president, treasurer, a secretary and such other officers as the Board may deem necessary.

Section 2. Date of Election. All officers of the Board shall be elected at the annual meeting by a majority vote of the quorum present.

Section 3. Term of Office. Officers shall serve one (1) year terms beginning at the meeting immediately following their election.

Section 4. Number of Terms of Office. A Trustee serving as an officer of the Board shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office, except by affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Trustees of the District.

Section 5. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring during the regular term of any office, for any reason, shall be filled by a Trustee elected by a vote at a regular or special meeting of the Board for the remaining portion of the term of such office.

Section 6. Removal. Any officer may be removed by an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the Trustees of the District taken at a regular or special meeting of the Board when in such Trustees’ reasonable judgment the best interest of the District will be served thereby.


Section 1. President. The president shall, subject to the direction and supervision of the Board, be the principal executive officer of the District. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The president shall sign all leases, deeds, mortgages, or contracts unless authority to do so is delegated to another Trustee or the Executive Director. The president shall perform all duties incident to the office of president and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.

Section 2. Vice President. The vice president shall assist the president and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the president or the Board. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall have the powers and perform the duties of the president.

Section 3. Secretary. The secretary shall oversee the keeping of the minutes of the meetings of the Board and shall perform all other duties delegated by the Board or that may be incidental to the office of secretary, including, without limitation, the publishing of legal notices and the execution of legal documents as required. In the absence of the secretary, any other Trustee may carry out the powers and perform the duties of secretary as authorized by the Board.

Section 4. Treasurer. The treasurer, or his/her designee, shall be the custodian of District funds, all of which, regardless of their source, shall be deposited in an account or accounts authorized by resolution of the Board. Administrative procedures will be followed that conform to proper accounting internal controls.


Section 1. Creation and Powers. An ad hoc or standing committee may be created by the Board for any specified purpose. Committee members shall be appointed by the president. A committee shall be automatically dissolved when its stated purposes have been fulfilled unless the Board authorizes its continued existence. A committee of the Board may consist solely of Trustees, a combination of Trustees and Library staff and/or members of the public, or solely of library staff or members of the public at the Board’s discretion. Committees shall report to the Board and shall have no power to act for the Board except as such authority
shall be explicitly granted.


Section 1. Employment of Executive Director. An Executive Director shall be engaged or employed by the Board to serve as the chief administrative officer of the District.

Section 2. Duties of Executive Director. The Executive Director, under the supervision and direction of the Board, shall implement the policies adopted by the Board, recommend individuals for employment by the Board, perform all other acts necessary for the orderly and efficient management and control of the library, and perform all duties incident to the position of Executive Director including those contained in the Executive Director’s contract and such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board.

Section 3. Staff. All other District staff shall be employed by the Board upon the
recommendation of the Executive Director.


Section 1. Governance. The Board shall adopt and revise administrative policies by which the Executive Director shall conduct the affairs of the District. These policies shall be available to the public.


Section 1. The fiscal year of the District shall begin on the first day of January of each year and shall end on the 31st day of December, of each year.


Section 1. Amendment by Vote. Bylaws and administrative policies may be altered, amended or repealed at any public meeting of the Board upon the affirmative vote of three-quarters (3/4) of the sitting Board (exclusive of vacancies}.

Section 2. Notice Proposed Amendment. Notice of any proposed bylaw or policy changes must be presented in written form and notice provided to all Trustees at least fifteen (15} days prior to any vote on the adoption of such amendment.

Section 3. Automatic Amendment. These bylaws shall at all times conform to the Library Law as such Law may be revised from time to time. Such amendments as may be necessary to affect such conformation shall be automatic and these bylaws shall be updated from time to time by the act of the Board to reflect such statutorily mandated automatic amendments.

Amended and Restated on this ___ day of ___________, 20__, at a regular meeting of the Poudre River Library District Board of Trustees.




Public library trustees are accountable for the resources of the library as well as to see that the library provides the best possible service to its community.

Every Trustee makes a personal commitment to contribute the time and energy to faithfully carry out his/her duties and responsibilities effectively and with absolute truth, honor and integrity.

  • Trustees shall respect the opinions of their colleagues and not be critical or disrespectful when they disagree or oppose a viewpoint different than their own.
  • Trustees shall comply with all the laws, rules and regulations that apply to them and to their library.
  • Trustees, in fulfilling their responsibilities, shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public pressure or fear of criticism.
  • Trustees shall not engage in discrimination of any kind and shall uphold library patrons’ rights to privacy in the use of library resources.
  • Trustees must distinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and attitudes and those of the library, acknowledging and supporting the formal position of the Board even if they disagree.
  • Trustees must respect the confidential nature of library business and not disclose such information to anyone. Trustees must also be aware of and in compliance with Freedom of Information laws.
  • Trustees must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial benefits gained as a result of their position or access to privileged library information, for either themselves or others.
  • A trustee shall immediately disqualify him/herself whenever the appearance of or a conflict of interest exists.
  • Trustees shall not use their position to gain unwarranted privileges or advantages for themselves or others from the library or from those who do business with the library.
  • Trustees shall not interfere with the management responsibilities of the director or the supervision of library staff.
  • Trustees shall support the efforts of librarians in resisting censorship of library materials by groups or individuals.


Approved by the ALTAFF Board in January 2012. Adopted by the PRPLD Board of Trustees on June 11, 2012.

As members of the American Library Association, we recognize the importance of codifying and making known to the profession and to the general public the ethical principles that guide the work of librarians, other professionals providing information services, library trustees and library staffs.

Ethical dilemmas occur when values are in conflict. The American Library Association Code of Ethics states the values to which we are committed and embodies the ethical responsibilities of the profession in this changing information environment.

We significantly influence or control the selection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information. In a political system grounded in an  informed citizenry, we are members of a profession explicitly committed to intellectual freedom and the freedom of access to information. We have a special obligation to ensure the free flow of information and ideas to present and future generations.

The principles of this Code are expressed in broad statements to guide ethical decision making. These statements provide a framework; they cannot and do not dictate conduct to cover particular situations.

1. We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests.

2. We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and resist all efforts to censor library resources.

3. We protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.

4. We respect intellectual property rights and advocate balance between the interests of information users and rights holders.

5. We treat co-workers and other colleagues with respect, fairness, and good faith, and advocate conditions of employment that safeguard the rights and welfare of all employees of our institutions.

6. We do not advance private interests at the expense of library users, colleagues, or our employing institutions.

7. We distinguish between our personal convictions and professional duties and do not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fair representation of the aims of our institutions or the provision of access to their information resources.

8. We strive for excellence in the profession by maintaining and enhancing our own knowledge and skills, by encouraging the professional development of co-workers, and by fostering the aspirations of potential members of the profession.

9. We affirm the inherent dignity and rights of every person. We work to recognize and dismantle systemic and individual biases; to confront inequity and oppression; to enhance diversity and inclusion; and to advance racial and social justice in our libraries, communities, profession, and associations through awareness, advocacy, education, collaboration, services, and allocation of resources and spaces.

Adopted at the 1939 Midwinter Meeting by the ALA Council; amended June 30, 1981; June 28, 1995; January 22, 2008; and June 29, 2021.

Updated December 2023
Approved 6.10.2024

According to Colorado Revised Statutes, Trustees shall not receive a salary or other
compensation as a Trustee, but necessary traveling and subsistence expenses actually
incurred may be paid from the Library Fund.

In addition, Trustees may be reimbursed for actual expenses in fulfilling their duties as
Trustee as approved by the President of the Board. These expenses may include mileage, long-distance telephone charges, reference materials, and gifts and occasions given in
appreciation of Library staff.

Reimbursement of Trustee expenses shall be coordinated through the Board president or Treasurer.

Other expenses incurred on behalf of the Trustees may be paid directly by the District to the extent approved by the President. These items include travel, lodging, subsistence and registration costs for library conferences, professional memberships, liability indemnification insurance coverage, business cards and copying expense.

(Effective March 2008)

The Poudre River Public Library District encourages employees and trustees to participate in professional development activities at the state and national levels. The Library District will reimburse one-half of individual membership dues to the Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) and the American Library Association (ALA) to professional librarians and full-time library assistants. The library will pay annual trustee memberships to CAL and ALA for members of the Board of Trustees.

Finance & Business Policies

It is the policy of the District to engage a qualified certified public accounting firm/individual to conduct an independent examination of the District’s financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing Standards.

As required by the Colorado Revised Statutes, Local Government Audit Law, 29-1-601 through 29-1-608, and Library Law, 24-90-109, the Board of Trustees of the Poudre River Public Library District shall ensure that an annual audit of the financial affairs and transactions of all funds and activities of the District be conducted for each fiscal year.

The audit report:

A) Content

Financial statements including Management’s Discussion and Analysis setting forth the financial position and results of operation of each fund and activity of the Poudre River Public Library District and a comparison of actual figures with budgeted figures for each fund or activity for which a budget has been prepared.

The opinion of the auditor with respect to the financial statements of the District.

Full disclosure by the auditor of violations of state or local law and material weaknesses in internal control which are identified during the audit process.

B) Submission of report

Audit shall be completed and the audit report submitted by the auditor to the Poudre River Public Library District Board of Trustees no later than the June Board meeting.

One copy of the audit shall be sent to the state auditor within thirty days after receipt by the District of the audit but no later than July 31st.



A) The Finance Committee, comprised of three members of the Board of Trustees, working with the Director of Finance and the Library Director, will initiate a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process at least every five years to acquire the services of an auditor. The committee will evaluate submitted proposals, conduct interviews if necessary, and select a certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm. The annual contract for audit services may be renewed for additional four years pending approval of the audit committee and the Board of Trustees.

B) The Board of Trustees shall approve the selection of a certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm, based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, at the close of each fiscal year.

C) The Finance Officer will be responsible for the preparation of a working trial balance, analyses of various accounts, complete files of Board minutes, contracts, bank confirmations, and any additional schedules or information necessary to complete the audit. The Finance Officer will also be responsible for the production work necessary to complete the final audit reports.

D) The District may use the same certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm as the City of Fort Collins as long as the District is contracting with the City for its accounting services, the auditor is selected as the result of an RFP process and the District Finance Officer is involved in that RFP process.

Adopted May 10, 2010

The District shall adopt an annual budget in accordance with part 1 of article 1 of title 29, C.R.S. This budget will be for the ensuing calendar year and will be adopted on a basis consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

The Executive Director is specifically authorized to make budget transfers between operating accounts within a fund. Any transfer of budgeted funds to or from a specifically approved capital project, and any change in the total budget for each fund require approval of the Board of Trustees.

A Capital Reserve is established and will be funded annually at $250,000. The intent of this reserve is to accumulate funds for the major repair or replacement of District facilities and/or equipment, and for new or expanded facilities. This reserve will be maintained separate from the District’s General Fund in a Capital Projects Fund.

A Working Capital/Operating Reserve is established equal to 20% of budgeted revenue. This reserve will be maintained in the General Fund to provide for the cash flows needs of the District.

Amended and approved November 10, 2014

The District is contracting with the City of Fort Collins for its cash and investment management. The City’s investment policy was adopted by the District Board of Trustees in December, 2007. A copy of that policy is included as an appendix to this policy summary.

Adopted December 2007

The purpose of the Capital Asset Policy is to present a uniform method of maintaining and updating the Poudre River Public Library District’s capital asset property records. The incorporated principles are in accordance with Generally Accepted  Accounting Principles (GAAP).

It is the policy of the Poudre River Public Library District to record Capital Asset items using a capitalization threshold of $5,000 for all individual items. Capital Assets represent land, buildings, vehicles, equipment and materials owned by the District and acquired by purchase or donation. The materials, specifically books and audio-visual materials of lasting value, will be recorded in aggregate at year-end for inclusion in the Capital Asset records.

In accordance with Colorado State Statue, C.R.S. 29-1-506, an inventory of such assets will be performed each year. The inventory of capital assets will be reconciled annually to the general ledger, and any differences reconciled and adjusted.

A disposition of capital assets represents the physical removal of an asset from custody or accountability. In accordance with Colorado State Statutes (CRS 24-90-109), any asset with a value of over $1,000 can be disposed of in one of four ways: donated, scrapped, sold, or traded. If the asset is conveyed to a state agency or political subdivision of the state or a non-profit entity, the determination can be made by the Executive Director or the Finance Officer. The conveyance of an asset to any outside business or commercial entity must be approved by the Board of Trustees. Unless offered to the public at large, a capital asset cannot be sold or donated to a private party or employee.

Weeded collection materials, which are considered to be capital assets in the aggregate, shall be donated to the Poudre River Friends of the Library. The Friends are authorized to make the final determination as to the disposition of these materials. Computer equipment, when obsolete and not subject to donation, will be recycled, according to legislation prohibiting the wholesale dumping of such equipment.

Adopted May 10, 2010

A) Financing Alternatives
There are three financing alternatives to be used for capital investment:

  • Use of existing funds – If the District has uncommitted funds available, it can be used for capital expenditures.
  • Borrowing – If the District does not have uncommitted capital or it chooses not to use it, it may finance capital expenditures through borrowing as allowed by State Constitution or Statute.
  • Capital Leasing – The District may acquire capital assets by entering into lease purchase/capital lease agreements as allowed by State Constitution or Statute.

B) Use for Long Term vs. On-going/General Capital
The District confines borrowing to long-term capital projects or assets. It may be advantageous to the District to use long-term debt to finance long-term its capital needs. The term of the borrowings shall be tied to the anticipated life of the assets. On-going/general capital is financed through current year surpluses or accumulated reserves.

C) Fixed vs. Variable Rates
The District seeks to acquire debt at the lowest possible cost. The decision to incur fixed or variable rate debt shall be based on sound economic principles.

Adopted May 10, 2010

This Policy shall apply to the procurement of all materials, services and professional services required or used by all departments of the District irrespective of the source of the funds. When any procurement involves the expenditure of federal or state funds, the procurement shall be conducted in accordance with any mandatory applicable federal or state laws or regulations. This Policy does not create or confer any right or entitlement upon any person to bid on or receive an award of any contract.

The purposes of this Policy are to provide for the fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in public purchasing by the District, to maximize the purchasing value of public funds, to codify and standardize the District’s purchasing procedures for the orderly and efficient administration thereof, to provide safeguards for maintaining a procurement system of quality and integrity and to foster effective, broad-based competition within the free enterprise system.

The following Procurement Process will apply to all purchases and expenditures unless an exemption applies, as outlined below. Purchases cannot be split in order to circumvent the approval process. Bulk items should include the total cost for the limit ranges shown.


Purchase Limits, Documentation Required, & Approval Required

$0 – $7,499

Documentation required

  • Invoice or receipt
  • Competitive Quotes encouraged


Approval required

  • Business Unit Manager
  • Director of Finance


$7,500 – $14,999

Documentation required

  • Purchase Order and invoice
  • Competitive Quotes encouraged


Approval required

  • Business Unit Manager
  • Director of Finance


$15,000 – $49,999

Documentation required

  • Purchase Order and invoice
  • Minimum of three Competitive Quotes


Approval required

  • Business Unit Manager
  • Director of Finance



Documentation required

  • Purchase Order and invoice
  • Competitive Sealed Bid or Request for


Approval required

  • Business Unit Manager
    Director of Finance
    Executive Director


Exemptions to the Procurement Process

(a) Library collection materials and related services

(b) Public utility services

(c) Legal and litigation services

(d) Activities subject to contracts between the District and other governmental bodies

(e) Emergency purchases

a. In the case of an apparent emergency requiring the immediate purchase of materials, professional services, services or construction, the Executive Director shall have the power to authorize the Business Unit Manager or Director of Finance to secure necessary items in the open market regardless of the amount of the expenditure.

b. In no event shall the contract price exceed commercially reasonable prices.

c. A full written report of the circumstances of all emergency purchases over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) shall be made by the Executive Director to the Board of Trustees. The report shall be received by the Board of Trustees in an open meeting, and such report shall be open to public inspection.

(f) Sole Source Exemption

a. A contract for materials, professional services or services may be awarded without competition if the Director of Finance determines in writing that one (1) or more of the following conditions exists:

i. There exists only one (1) responsible source;

ii. Although there exists more than one (1) responsible source, a competitive process cannot reasonably be used or, if used, will result in a substantially higher cost to the District, will otherwise injure the District’s financial interests or will substantially impede the District’s administrative functions or the delivery of services to the public;

iii. A particular material or service is required to maintain interchangeability or compatibility as part of an existing integrated system;

iv. A particular material, professional service or service is required in order to standardize or maintain standardization for the purpose of reducing financial investment or simplifying administration;

v. The material is perishable;

vi. The material or service is a musical, dramatic or other fine art performance, service or object;

vii. A particular material is required to match materials in use, so as to produce visual harmony;

viii. A particular material is required to enable use by a specific individual;

ix. A particular material is prescribed by a professional advisor;

x. The material, professional service or service is the subject of a change order.

b. The Business Unit Manager shall submit each determination made under this Subsection (f) to the Director of Finance, who shall approve or reject the procurement.

c. The Executive Director shall submit all procurements under this Subsection (f) which exceed a cost of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to the Board of Trustees in an open meeting for final approval.

d. Any procurement approved under this Subsection (f) by the Executive Director or the Board of Trustees may be used as the basis for a negotiated purchase of additional quantities of the same materials or services at any time within a period of five (5) years from the date of approval; provided, however, that subsequent procurements may be expressly limited to a specific number of purchases or a period of less than five (5) years.

Competitive Quote

(a) Competitive Quotes may be obtained for any purchase between $0 and $14,999 and must be obtained for any purchase between $15,000 and $49,999.

(b) Quotes shall be reviewed by the Director of Finance for accuracy and comparability.

(c) The most qualified vendor shall be awarded the purchase, based on quantitative and qualitative factors identified by the Business Unit Manager, relevant staff and the Director of Finance as well as vendor interviews and documentation.

Competitive Sealed Bid

(a) Competitive Sealed Bids must be utilized for any purchase above $50,000, unless one of the following criteria are met, in which case a Request for Proposal may be used:

1) Materials and services for which the Director of Finance determines in writing that the use of competitive sealed bidding is either not practicable or not advantageous to the District;

2) Professional services; and

3) District improvements for which the Director of Finance determines that the use of alternative delivery methods will provide substantial benefit to the District while retaining sufficient competitive pricing and/or performance.

(b) Procurements accomplished pursuant to this Section shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder after competitive sealed bidding.

(c) An invitation for bids shall be issued and shall include specifications and all contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement.

(d) Public notice shall be given and shall include the bid title as well as the submittal place, date and time. All bids must be received at the place stated in the invitation for bid.

(e) All bids shall be opened in public at the time and place stated in the invitation for bids. The amount of each bid and such other relevant information as the Business Unit Manager and Director of Finance deem appropriate, together with the name of each bidder, shall be recorded. Thereafter, the record of bids and each bid shall be available for public inspection in the office of the Director of Finance in the same manner as are other public records. In the event of good cause as determined by the Director of Finance, bid openings may be postponed.

(f) Bids shall be unconditionally accepted without alteration or correction, except as authorized in Subsection (g) of this Section. Bids shall be evaluated based on the requirements set forth in the invitation for bids, which may include criteria and/or processes for determining acceptability, such as inspection, provision of sample materials, testing, quality, workmanship, delivery and suitability for a particular purpose. Those criteria that will affect the bid price shall be objectively measurable, such as discounts, transportation costs and total or life cycle costs. The invitation for bids shall set forth all evaluation criteria to be used. No criteria may be used in bid evaluation that are not set forth in the invitation for bids.

(g) Correction or withdrawal of inadvertently erroneous bids before or after bid opening, or cancellation of awards or contracts based on such bid mistakes, may be authorized when deemed appropriate by the Director of Finance.

1) Bids may be withdrawn by the offeror for any reason prior to bid opening. Any such notice of withdrawal must be received in the office designated in the invitation for bids prior to the time set for bid opening.

2) Mistakes discovered prior to bid opening may be corrected in writing by the bidder. Any such corrections must be received in the office designated in the invitation for bids prior to the time set for bid opening.

3) After bid opening, the following provisions shall apply:

i. A low bidder alleging a material mistake of fact may be permitted by the Director of Finance to correct its bid if the mistake is clearly evident on the face of the bid document and the intended correct bid is similarly evident.

ii. A low bidder alleging a material mistake of fact may be permitted by the Director of Finance to withdraw its bid: (i) if the mistake is clearly evident on the face of the bid but the intended correct bid is not similarly evident or (ii) if the mistake is not clearly evident on the face of the bid but the bidder submits evidence to the Director of Finance which clearly and convincingly demonstrates that a mistake was made, in which case the bidder must show the nature of the mistake and the bid price actually intended.

4) No changes in bid prices or other provisions of bids prejudicial to the interests of the District or fair competition shall be permitted.

5) All decisions to permit the correction or withdrawal of bids or to cancel awards or contracts based on bid mistakes will be supported by a written determination made by the Director of Finance.

(h) The contract shall be awarded with reasonable promptness by written notice to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose bid meets the requirements and criteria set forth in the invitation for bids. If the lowest responsive and responsible bid exceeds budgeted funds and either time constraints or economic considerations preclude resolicitation of work of a reduced scope, the Director of Finance is authorized to negotiate an adjustment of the bid price with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, to modify the scope of work or to negotiate other terms and conditions so as to bring the bid within the amount of available funds.

Request for Proposal
(a) Requests for Proposal (RFPs) may be utilized in lieu of Competitive Sealed Bids for any purchase above $50,000 based on the qualifying criteria in Competitive Sealed Bid Subsection (a).

(b) Requests for Proposal shall be developed by the Business Unit Manager with assistance from the Director of Finance.

(c) Requests for Proposal shall state evaluation factors and their relative importance.

(d) Public notice shall be given and shall include the proposal title as well as the submittal place, date and time. All proposals must be received at the place stated in the Request for Proposal.

(e) Proposals shall be opened so as to avoid disclosure of contents to competing offerors during the process of negotiation. A list of proposals shall be maintained containing the name of each offeror and shall be open for public inspection or disclosure after the time set for submittal of the proposals.

(f) After proposal opening, interviews may be conducted with the highest ranked responsible offeror or offerors for the purpose of clarification and to assure full understanding of, and responsiveness to, solicitation requirements. Offerors selected for interview shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals. Revisions may be permitted after submissions and prior to award in order to reflect clarifications in the proposal’s scope of work or amount. In conducting interviews, there shall be no disclosure by the District or any officer, employee or committee thereof, of any information derived from proposals submitted by competing offerors, nor any disclosure of information discussed by the evaluation committee in selecting the highest ranked offerors.

(g) The contract shall be awarded with reasonable promptness by written notice to the responsible offeror whose proposal is determined in writing to be the most advantageous to the District, taking into consideration the evaluation factors set forth in the Request for Proposal. No other factors or criteria shall be used in the evaluation.

(h) After the contract has been awarded and executed in writing with the selected offeror, the total points of the evaluation committee will be retained by the Director of Finance for a period of time consistent with the District’s record retention policy. Individual rating sheets, total points, rankings of offerors and notes prepared or utilized by members of the evaluation committee shall not be made available for public inspection or disclosure.

(i) The name of the awarded firm may be disclosed to the public after the date of the written notice of award.

(j) The Business Unit Manager and Director of Finance are authorized to negotiate contract terms, including but not limited to the final price and precise scope of work with the selected offeror.

Responsibility of Bidders and Offerors

(a) In determining whether a bidder or offeror is responsible, the following criteria shall be considered:

1) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder or offeror to perform the contract or provide the services required;

2) Whether the bidder or offeror can perform the contract or provide the service promptly and within the time specified without delay or interference;

3) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder or offeror;

4) The quality of the bidder’s or offeror’s performance of previous contracts or services;

5) The previous and existing compliance by the bidder or offeror with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service;

6) The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder or offeror to perform the contract or provide the service;

7) The quality, availability and adaptability of the materials and services to the particular use required;

8) The ability of the bidder or offeror to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract;

9) Any other circumstances which will affect the bidder’s or offeror’s performance of the contract.

(b) The Business Unit Manager and Director of Finance shall have the authority to reject all bids or proposals or any portions thereof when the interests of the District and the public will be served thereby. All such decisions will be supported by a written determination made by the Director of Finance.

(c) No bidder or offeror shall be in default on the performance of any other contract with the District or in the payment of any monies due to the District.

Revised and adopted January 2021

The Purchasing Card Policies and Procedures Manual establishes minimum standards for use of the Poudre River Public Library District Purchasing Card. In order to participate in the use of a purchasing card the employee is required to sign the Purchasing Cardholder Agreement.

Authority to participate in the Purchasing Card Program may be revoked at the discretion of the Executive Director.

Adopted May 10, 2010

The Board of Trustees approves all bank accounts to be opened and/or closed by resolution. The Finance Officer is the only District employee authorized to open or close a bank account.

Adopted May 10, 2010

It is the policy of the Poudre River Public Library District to encourage high standards of ethical conduct and behavior in all areas of operations. The District is committed to compliance with the laws, regulations and guidelines which strengthen and promote ethical practices and ethical treatment of employees and members of the community which we serve. When any breach of ethical or legal conduct is observed by a member of the staff or the community, involving activities undertaken by those representing the District, it shall reported to management. When an employee is not comfortable reporting incidents to a direct supervisor, then he or she may report to the Executive Director. The District encourages the reporting of factual information based on unethical, dishonest or fraudulent conduct, and prohibits any retaliatory or other punitive actions against the person(s) who report the alleged conduct. Every effort is made to maintain the confidentiality of any person(s) reporting unethical conduct, as well as the confidentiality of the person(s) accused of such conduct. There may, however, be occasions when strict confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The District investigates any allegations of fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of District resources or property.

The District discourages reporting of allegations that are without merit or are based purely on conjecture.

Adopted May 10, 2010

Poudre River Public Library District maintains records in accordance with requirements of State and Federal law. In June 2016, the District adopted the Colorado State Archives’ Special District Records Management Manual. The District’s Human Relations (HR) department maintains personnel records in accordance with both State and Federal laws.

The District maintains records according to the established records retention schedule to comply with State legal requirements, and to facilitate Colorado Open Record Act (CORA) requests. Details regarding CORA requests including the request process are provided in the District’s Open Records Request policy and associated procedures.

The current Special District Records Management Manual is accessible online.

The Poudre River Public Library District (the Libraries) welcomes monetary and in-kind gifts from local business, corporations,  foundations, families, and individuals to support the Libraries and their  programs and facilities. The Board of Trustees of the Poudre River  Public Library District believes that libraries play an essential role in the  quality of life of our citizens and in this important function, the Libraries are supported through public funding and are supplemented by gifts, with the caveat that gifts must not undermine the integrity of the Libraries’ mission and purpose.

This policy governing the acceptance of gifts serves the following purposes:

  • Assures all donors are treated equitably
  • Avoids misunderstandings or uncertainty
  • Offers donors a range of options to encourage the largest possible gift
  • Emphasizes the importance of coordination between Library fundraising entities to avoid duplication or confusion
  • Assures all legal documents associated with planned gifts are reviewed appropriately
  • Provides donors and the public with a transparent process for supporting the Libraries

Principles and Guidelines

Poudre River Public Library District has established the following principles and guidelines for the acceptance of gifts, grants and/or support to enhance or develop the Libraries’ programs and services:

In addition to Board approval the aforementioned types of gifts will require individual agreements between the Libraries and the donor(s) of the gift.

A. All gifts, grants and/or support must further the Libraries’ mission, goals, service objectives and priorities. They must not drive the Libraries’ agenda or priorities.

B. The Libraries will not accept gifts, grants and/or support from entities or individuals that discriminate on the basis of gender, age, race, sex, color, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, genetic information, or any other status protected by applicable state or local law.

C. All gifts, grants and/or support must safeguard equity of access to library services. Gift agreements must not give unfair advantage to, or cause discrimination against, sectors of the community.

D. All gifts, grants and/or support must protect the principle of intellectual freedom. Donors may not direct the selection of collections or require endorsement of products or services.

E. All gifts, grants and/or support must ensure the confidentiality of user records. The Libraries will not sell or provide access to library records in exchange for gifts or support.

F. All gifts, grants and/or support must leave open the opportunity for other actual or potential donors to have similar opportunities to provide support to the library.

G. Gifts of used books are to be made through the Poudre River Friends of the Library, a 501(c)3 organization (see also Collections Development). The Friends may also accept donations and grants to assist in carrying out their work to raise funds for the Libraries.

H. When the Libraries are awarded a grant or monetary donation that is limited to 501(c)3 recipients, the Libraries will utilize the Friends as the pass-through agency for those grant funds. The Friends will distribute all monies in full to the Libraries immediately upon receipt.

I. Donations to the Library Endowment fund are to be made through the Poudre River Library Trust (a 501(c)3 organization). This is separate from other endowed funds that may be accepted by the Libraries directly and/or established for their direct benefit. The Trust may also receive property of significant value such as real estate or securities, planned gifts and bequests, or endowments, to assist in carrying out their work to raise funds for the Libraries.

J. The Libraries will not seek or accept gifts for programs, events, services or activities involving or targeted to children from companies whose products cannot legally be sold or distributed to children, or from companies whose products are inappropriate for use by children.

K. The Libraries will not allow direct marketing of products, except where relevant educational material is promoted in conjunction with programs and /or used as incentive prizes for programs.


The Executive Director and/or their designee(s) have the authority to accept gifts to the Libraries according to the provisions contained in this Gift Policy. The Executive Director reserves the right to refuse gifts that are not in the best interest of the Libraries. This policy is subject to all applicable Colorado and federal statutes and as such may be amended from time-to-time.

Types of Gifts Accepted

  • Cash
  • Checks
  • Securities/Investment Instruments (stocks, mutual funds, bonds, life insurance policies, annuities)
  • Planned Giving (charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, bequests)
  • In-Kind services and/or goods
  • Real Estate and other tangible property
  • Endowed Funds (via partnerships with fiscal management entities)

Board Approval Required

Board consideration and majority vote approval will be required for the following types of gifts:

  • Gifts of tangible property that would encumber the Libraries either financially or administratively
  • Securities that are not readily marketable
  • Real Estate
  • Gift Annuities
  • Charitable Remainder or Lead Trusts
  • Endowed Funds


A sponsorship is a mutually beneficial business exchange between the Libraries and an external organization (hereinafter the sponsor) whereby the sponsor contributes funds, products or in-kind services to the Libraries in return for recognition, acknowledgement or other promotional considerations. Sponsorships involve an association between the sponsor and the Libraries and/or the specific programs, event, service or activity being sponsored. Sponsorships do not imply the Libraries’ endorsement of the sponsor’s product or service. All sponsorships must comply with the Libraries’ Naming Opportunities Policy, and sponsorship agreements shall be confirmed by a written Sponsorship Agreement signed by both parties. A Sponsorship Agreement will outline the benefits, roles and responsibilities, fees, duration and other agreed terms of the sponsorship arrangement.

Recognition and Acknowledgement

The Libraries will ensure that each donor receives acknowledgement as well as tax receipts where required, and to the degree that the donor is willing, public recognition via either printed or electronic Libraries’ materials. Recognition of a donation is not the same as naming opportunities for donations (See Naming Opportunities Policy).

Revised and adopted on April 10, 2023

Poudre River Public Library District welcomes and seeks to create partnerships with a range of entities in order to build connections that strengthen our services and the community, enhancing our mission in a sustainable way. The Libraries will seek out and respond to partnership opportunities to reach new audiences, cross promote Library services, and/or avoid duplication of efforts and resources. While partner entities may not have identical goals to the Libraries, their goals should be complementary, and each partner should contribute in some fashion to the shared endeavor.


A partnership is defined as a collaboration that results in exchange of services, use of facilities, a newly-created service or event, or other endeavors between Poudre Libraries and another entity.

Principles and Guidelines

A. All partnerships must be consistent with the Library’s philosophy and mission, values and vision, and should not drive the Library’s priorities. Specifically:

1. Relationships between the Library and its partners must comply with Library policies, and applicable laws and regulations.
2. Partnerships must align with the Library’s commitment to intellectual freedom and free and open access.
3. Partnerships must be consistent with the Library’s policy of equal access to service, and must not contribute to discrimination on the basis of gender, age, race, sex, color, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, genetic information, or any other status protected by applicable state or local law.

B. The Executive Director has the authority to designate staff to propose and administer partnerships on their behalf.

C. All partnerships must include a partnership agreement that will include at a minimum, the following:

1. Roles and responsibilities of all parties including budget commitments
2. Expected outcomes of partnership
3. Length of term of the partnership (may be renewable at designated intervals)
4. Key contact information for all parties
5. Plan for regular partnership communications and updates
6. Termination clause

D. All partnership agreements must be approved by the Executive Director or a staff member they designate.

E. Partnerships that will require a substantial financial commitment on the part of the Library District will first go through standard budget approval processes before partnership agreements are signed.

F. All partnerships must include a plan and criteria for measuring, tracking, and assessing the success and impact of the partnership and its outcomes.

G. The Library District reserves the right to terminate or withdraw from any partnership for reasons such as, but not limited to,

1. Partner entity develops a public image or mission that is inappropriate to the Library’s services or mission
2. Either partner fails to deliver agreed upon resources, materials, or services as outlined in a partnership agreement
3. Partnership is not creating the desired outcomes

Approved May 8, 2023

Property & Risk Management Policies

It is the policy of the Poudre River Public Library District that internet and local network systems, including computer equipment, software, storage media, web browsing, telephone and voicemail systems are Library District property and are to be used for business purposes. All data stored, including email, on Library District computers is Library District property. Because the Library District is a public organization, data stored on Library District computers is subject to public review under the Colorado Open Records Act.

It is the policy of the Poudre River Public Library District to develop, test and maintain a disaster recovery plan formulated to continue basic business operations during and immediately after disruptive events. Recognizing that disruptions to business operations may come from a variety of causes such as natural or manmade disasters, terrorism, and technology failures, it is incumbent upon the District to recognize and plan for the expedient recovery of all operational systems in order to minimize the impact of any type of disaster.

The Library District cooperates with local governmental agencies in the mobilization of resources in order to protect lives, minimize property loss, and expedite recovery efforts during an emergency or disaster.

The District will also develop a crisis communications plan to effectively manage communication to staff, local media, public officials and the public. The Executive Director will designate an official spokesperson for communication in a time of crisis.

Revised January 16, 2016

As a public institution dedicated to freedom of speech and open access to ideas representing all points of view, the District provides space in the libraries for the posting of community information and promotional materials.

Permission to post materials in District facilities does not constitute an endorsement by the District, its Board of Trustees, or its staff, of a group’s views or opinions.

The District strives to provide a neutral forum for information representing a diverse spectrum of community organizations, events and interests, regardless of beliefs or affiliations. Space for materials is limited.

The District manages public display spaces to ensure equitable access for community groups wishing to promote services and events. To that end, the District has established procedures regarding time, place and manner for postings. The District reserves the right to revoke posting privileges at any time for violations of this policy or District procedures and guidelines.

Approved July 2010
Updated May 16, 2024
Approved June 10, 2024

The District supports the free and open exchange of ideas on a wide range of subjects of interest to the community. To that end, the District provides meeting space, free of charge, on an equitable basis, for non-profit community groups regardless of their beliefs or affiliations.

Meeting rooms in Libraries

The Community Room at the Old Town Library and the Community Room at the Council Tree Library are designated primarily for use by the Poudre River Public Library District. The Community Room at the Harmony Library offers priority scheduling to Poudre River Public Library District and Front Range Community College. All three rooms offer next priority to other governmental entities such as the City of Fort Collins, Larimer County and Poudre School District.

Meeting room use

Groups must comply with the Library’s Behavior Rules of use and all local, state or federal laws.

Public use of the meeting rooms is governed by procedures establishing the time, place and manner of use. Users of the meeting rooms must comply with procedures.

The District reserves the right to revoke meeting room use privileges at any time. The District reserves the right to cancel programs as needed due to weather, health, or safety concerns.

Groups using meeting rooms assume all risks associated with use of meeting rooms and library facilities.

Groups are fully responsible for operating and managing their own events within the District’s meeting rooms.

All meetings and programs held in District meeting rooms must be free and open to the general public.

Permission to use meeting rooms does not constitute an endorsement of a group’s views or opinions by the District, its Board of Trustees, or its staff.

Promotions for groups using meeting rooms

Groups that reserve Library meeting rooms and choose to promote their meeting or event via flyers, signs, social media, press releases or other means are prohibited from implying that the District endorses or is acting as a partner or sponsor of the group’s event or meeting. The District requests that groups promoting meetings in library spaces include the following language on all promotional materials such as posters, fliers and online postings: “This event is not sponsored or endorsed by Poudre Libraries.”

Revised January 2024
Revised May 16, 2024
Approved June 10, 2024

The Poudre River Public Library District is dedicated to protecting the rights and safety of Library patrons, volunteers and staff. The District recognizes the need to maintain an environment free from harassment, intimidation, threats to safety and well-being, and in which library resources and facilities are protected from damage.

Our libraries are spaces for reading, studying, learning, self-reflection, writing, and listening to electronically transmitted materials; attending library or community-sponsored programs and meetings, and working collaboratively in the spirit of community.

With these intended uses in mind, the District has established Behavior Rules and associated procedures to protect the rights, health and safety of library patrons, staff, and volunteers; to ensure patrons’ use and enjoyment of the library; and to help preserve and protect the libraries’ materials, equipment, facilities and grounds. Library District Behavior Rules are established and approved by the Executive Director. Library District staff is empowered to exercise reasonable judgment in assessing and enforcing the District’s Behavior Rules. Depending on the severity of violations, enforcement may range from a verbal request to stop the violation to removal from the premises and suspension from facilities owned or operated by the Library District for up to one year.

The Behavior Rules apply to all facilities and properties owned, operated or managed by the District, including the Council Tree, Harmony, and Old Town Libraries, Library District owned portions of Library Park, and the Webster House Administrative Center and grounds.


Disruptive, threatening or unsafe behavior will not be tolerated on library property. If a library patron violates the behavior rules listed below, library staff or security personnel will inform the patron that the behavior is inappropriate, and depending on the severity of the behavior, may either ask that the behavior stop or instruct the patron to leave the building. If the patron refuses to leave, staff will contact local law enforcement. Disruptive behavior on the part of any library patron may result in the suspension of library privileges for up to one year.

Any person who violates rules 1-6 while in or on library premises will be immediately ejected and excluded from all Poudre River Public Library District premises without first being given a warning. Any person so excluded shall lose all library privileges for a period of up to one year. Criminal incidents will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

1. Committing or attempting to commit any activity that constitutes a violation of any federal, state or local criminal statute or ordinance.

2. Physical abuse or threat of physical harm; behaving in a threatening, intimidating or violent manner toward any individual or group; or behaving in a manner that creates the potential of physical injury to oneself or others; or any form of unwanted touching or physical contact of another person.

3. Property damage: intentionally destroying, damaging, defacing or vandalizing library property; threatening to damage such property.

4. Sexual misconduct: engaging in any action that is sexually inappropriate or offensive.

5. Openly carrying a firearm or carrying a concealed firearm without a concealed firearm permit issued by the State of Colorado.

6. Possessing illegal drugs, marijuana, or open or unsealed containers of alcoholic beverages.

Any person who violates rules 7-12 while in or on library premises may be given a warning at the discretion of library staff; then the person will be required to leave the premises for the day. Subsequent offenses by that person may result in that person’s immediate ejection and exclusion from all Poudre River Public Library District premises for a period of up to one year.

7. Intoxication from drugs or alcohol resulting in observable behaviors that pose a risk to self or others or present an obstacle to the use and enjoyment of District facilities by others.

8. Use of the interior spaces of any Library District facility for activities not specifically authorized and arranged through Library management, including but not limited to:

  • Sales, soliciting, marketing, conducting surveys, or similar activities.
  • Distributing leaflets, flyers, or other material inside a library building

9. Use of tobacco or products containing tobacco or use of any form of smoking device inside library facilities or within 20 feet of entryways.

10. Violating the District’s Public Access to the Internet & Wireless Policy.

11. Openly carrying a knife or possessing other weapons or objects that could be used as weapons.

12. Failure to comply with direction given by Library District staff or security guards acting in the performance of their duties or interference with the performance of such duties or other operations of the facility.

Any person who violates rules 13-15 while in or on library premises may be given a warning at the discretion of library staff. Subsequent offenses by that person will result in that person’s immediate ejection and exclusion from all Poudre River Public Library District premises. Any person so excluded may lose all library privileges for a period of up to six months.

13. Sleeping in library facilities. Exception: this rule shall not apply to young children.

14. Improperly using library restrooms, including, but not limited to, bathing, shaving, and washing hair or clothing.

15. Verbally harassing or intimidating staff, volunteers or other patrons. Any person who violates rules 16-21 while in or on library premises will be asked to correct the problem immediately or leave the premises until the problem is corrected.

Any person who violates rules 16-21 while in or on library premises will be asked to correct the problem immediately or leave the premises until the problem is corrected.

16. Entering library buildings with bare feet or a bare chest. Babies are exempted from the bare feet rule.

17. Poor hygiene: posing a health, safety or sanitary risk or having bodily hygiene that detracts from the enjoyment of the library by others or damages District property.

18. Possession of any animals except service animals or as otherwise authorized by library staff.

19. Items not permitted inside library buildings include, but are not limited to, shopping carts and other large, wheeled carts, as well as bicycles, scooters, and other forms of mobile transportation not protected under the ADA or used for accommodation and access to the library. Strollers and small, wheeled carts are allowed.

20. Library users must keep all personal items with them at all times including packages, backpacks, and luggage.

21. Items and belongings may not block walkways, entryways, exits, access to the collection, or impede other patrons’ use of the library, including outdoor book drops.

Unattended Children

Unattended children must exhibit adequate maturity to use library facilities appropriately. For details, see Library District Unattended Children Policy.

Spaces Designated for Youth

Library staff and security personnel may ask adults using spaces intended for youth to vacate as needed.

A patron may appeal a suspension decision to the Library District’s Executive Director by filing a written statement of appeal, including the basis of the appeal. The Executive Director has the discretion to reduce a suspension. A final appeal may be made to the District’s Board of Trustees or its designee. If the suspension involves a student of Front Range Community College, the Library District will make appeal decisions in concert with the Vice President of Front Range Community College Larimer Campus.

Approved April 8, 2013
Revised May 8, 2017
Revised May 25, 2022

Behavior Rules (PDF Updated 2025).

A copy of the Behavior Rules is posted in each library location.

It is the policy of the Poudre River Public Library District that the safety of its employees and the public is of chief importance. Staff and the public should be able to expect personal safety, clean and well-maintained facilities, staff that is well versed in safety and emergency procedures, and the proactive application of safety standards and procedures.

When the personal safety of staff and public is at risk, professional security personnel shall be requested. The District will provide for professional security directly for the downtown library and indirectly through facility arrangements at its other locations.

It is the policy of the Poudre River Public Library District that its facilities be readily accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities. The new construction or alterations or additions of existing facilities will be designed to provide compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.

Hours of Operation

Council Tree Library
Monday-Saturday     9am – 9pm
Sunday     Noon – 6pm

Harmony Library
Monday – Thursday     9am – 9pm
Friday     9am – 6pm
Saturday     9am – 5pm
Sunday     Noon – 6pm

Old Town Library
Monday – Thursday     9am – 9pm
Friday     9am – 6pm
Saturday     9am – 5pm
Sunday     Noon – 5pm

The Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the District and Front Range Community College-Larimer Campus allows for up to 10 additional open hours per week at Harmony Library, primarily for the use of the College’s students.

Hours at all facilities are subject to change.

Emergency Closure

Situations such as hazardous weather, unsafe facility conditions, and other emergency conditions may necessitate closing one or more District facilities during regularly scheduled hours. The Executive Director or designee will decide if conditions warrant closure and will determine the duration of closure. All emergency closures will be announced promptly to staff, the public and local media, and posted on the District’s website.

In the event of a closure of District facilities during normal operating hours, exempt and non-exempt classified staff and exempt unclassified management staff members will be compensated at their normal rate of pay for time scheduled. Administration will instruct staff as to the appropriate way to record closure time.

Hourly staff working at the time of an announced closure will be compensated at their normal rate of pay for time scheduled that day. Hourly staff not working at the time of an announced closure will not be paid.

Approved March 14, 2011
Revision to hours of operation approved on January 11, 2016

It is the policy of the Poudre River Public Library District (Libraries) to retain the option to recognize the generosity of an individual, family, corporation, foundation, and/or other donor(s) by choosing to create a specific naming designation for a library program, collection, or portion of a facility that is in conformity with the nature and mission of the Libraries. The Board of Trustees of the Poudre River Public Library District believes that libraries play an essential role in the quality of life of our citizens and in this important function, the Libraries are supported through public funding and are supplemented by gifts, with the caveat that gifts must not undermine the integrity of the non-commercial public space that the Libraries provide. Standard donor recognition in places like the Libraries’ Annual Reports, electronic communications or website is separate from this policy and is at the discretion of the Executive Director of the Libraries.

Principles and Guidelines

A. The Library District has the sole right to name or rename library programs, collections or facilities, and may decline any gift to the Libraries, and/or reject naming proposals.

B. Entities such as the Poudre River Library Trust and the Poudre River Friends of the Library that raise funds for the benefit of the Libraries will refer all naming requests to the Libraries and are not authorized to offer or negotiate any naming opportunities.

C. The Library District reserves the right to revoke a prior grant of named recognition whenever compelling reasons or circumstances justify such action.

D. This policy is subject to all applicable Colorado and federal statutes and as such may be amended from time-to-time.

E. The Board of Trustees may appoint the Executive Director as their designee to approve certain types of naming/renaming opportunities.

F. Naming rights will not be granted to any individual, family, or organization that discriminates on the basis of gender, age, race, sex, color, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, genetic information, or any other status protected by applicable state or local law.

G. Naming rights will not be granted to any religious or political organization.

H. Donations for naming rights must meet all guidelines and standards of the Libraries’ Gift Policies.

I. All major capital campaigns will include a naming concept. The Libraries will develop the concept including specific naming opportunities, and submit that concept to the Board of Trustees for approval prior to the launch of the capital campaign.

J. At the beginning of each fiscal/calendar year the Libraries will create and make available to the public donor materials that include any naming/renaming opportunities for the upcoming year, as well as any capital campaign naming opportunities approved by the Board of Trustees.

K. Naming/renaming is valid for a specified period of time, and not in perpetuity. Whenever possible, the Libraries will make the durations for naming/renaming opportunities available in donor materials and will work to insure durations are consistent across equivalent donation amounts and/or similar naming options.

L. Naming/renaming may take various forms at the discretion of the Libraries. For example: “The [donor name] Children’s Reading Room” or “The Children’s Reading Room, Courtesy of [donor name].” The Libraries may use either form, or a similar option dependent on the circumstances and what they deem appropriate.

M. All naming/renaming must include an agreement signed by the donor and the Executive Director of the Libraries. At a minimum the agreement will provide an exact description of the item/program to be named, the amount of the donation, the specific name that will be used for the naming, and the duration of time the name will be used.

N. All signage for naming must be approved by the Libraries and designed to fit with the surrounding aesthetic as well as the Libraries’ branding. The cost of signage will be taken into account when negotiating donations for naming opportunities.

Naming Opportunities

A. Meeting rooms, reading lounges, special use areas, equipment, gardens, walkways and other interior and exterior spaces may be named or renamed in accordance with these policies. Appropriate contributions for such naming opportunities will include calculations of square footage cost, actual cost of equipment, on-going operating cost, etc, depending on the specific area or item.

B. Endowment proposals, such as those for programs and collections, may also include naming rights. Donors may make a single gift, or build an endowed fund over time. A minimum initial endowment contribution will be $50,000, and the Libraries will solicit donations to said endowed fund (without naming rights) from a variety of entities to grow the funds. All endowed funds will be managed by a qualified entity approved by the Libraries.

C. Programs and collections may be named or renamed to recognize a donor. Appropriate contributions for such naming opportunities will include calculations of the cost of materials, staff, on-going operating costs, etc. depending on the specific program or collections.

D. Library buildings shall be named based on the building location, geography or neighborhood.

Revised on April 10, 2023

The Library District owns, operates and maintains a cargo van for the delivery of programs and services conducted off-site and for the transport of items to and from off-site locations and library facilities. The van is not available for the general transportation of staff or public.

Occasionally, the Poudre River Public Library District participates in or sponsors activities that involve the transportation of library patrons to off-site locations. When electing to provide transportation to member of the public, the District will employ the services of a licensed commercial driver and vehicle provided by the City of Fort Collins or use another licensed commercial carrier.

Revised January 11, 2016

Library buildings and grounds are limited public forums for free speech activities under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. These activities include, but are not limited to, petitioning, leafleting and campaign activities.
Walkways and grounds around library buildings provide appropriate public spaces for free speech activities, provided the activity does not create a dangerous condition, interfere with access and use of the Library for its intended purposes, or damage property. Poudre River Public Library District is authorized to make reasonable rules that are universally applicable and content-neutral concerning use of its property for these purposes.

A map of the library property depicting “Free Speech Zones” appropriate for free speech activities is available at each library. Copies may be obtained from library staff.

The following activities are prohibited on Library District owned property:

  • Exercising free speech rights under this policy outside of a Free Speech Zone;
  • Hindering, impeding or blocking the passage of library patrons, employees, or visitors;
  • Continuing to impose upon, follow, shout at or against, mark for approach by others, or otherwise press an issue after having been advised of the individual’s lack of interest or opposing viewpoint and desire to be left alone;
  • Surrounding or making serial approaches to a patron, employee, or visitor;
  • Engaging, arguing with or otherwise opposing or inciting others exercising their rights under this policy;
  • Inciting or promoting imminent acts of violence;
  • Presenting, imposing, or otherwise impressing upon patrons, employees, or visitors obscene materials that would be considered generally offensive within the community;
  • Solicitation of funds or sale of goods and services without a copy of written authorization from the Library District Executive Director in the possession of the person acting pursuant to the written authorization; and,
  • Solicitation and petitioning activities inside the Library District facilities.

The Council Tree and Harmony branches are on property that is not owned by the Library District. Activity at these locations is governed by the property owners.

The Library Administration Building is located at 301 Olive Street. Free speech activities at the Administration Building must occur at least twenty feet from all entrances to the Administration Building.

Violations of this policy may result in the revocation of the right to utilize library property.

Approved July 11, 2016

View a PDF copy of the Free Speech Zones at Old Town Library: Old_Town_Library_Free_Speech_Zones

The Poudre River Public Library District strives to offer a welcoming, open atmosphere and provide a comfortable and safe environment where people can use library facilities and collections for intended purposes to the maximum extent possible.
Video security cameras are used where needed to provide peace of mind to library users and staff by discouraging violations of the Library District’s Behavior Rules, to assist library staff in preventing the occurrence of any violations, and when necessary, to provide law enforcement assistance in prosecuting criminal activity.

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the placement and use of video security cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded video images at District facilities. Cameras are installed at library locations on an as needed basis.

  • Signs will be posted at Library entrances informing the public that security cameras are in use.
  • Video security cameras may be placed in both indoor and outdoor areas.
  • Cameras may be installed in public spaces where individuals lack a reasonable expectation of privacy. Examples include common areas of the library such as entrances, book stacks, public seating areas, hallways, stairways, delivery areas, walkways and parking lots.
  • Typically security camera recordings are not monitored or reviewed. Video records will not be maintained provided no known or suspected criminal activity or policy violation has occurred. Security camera recordings will be stored for 10 (ten) days.
  • Recordings will remain confidential and secure to the extent permitted by law. Access to recordings is restricted to designated Library District and security staff as determined by the Executive Director.
  • Pursuant to Colorado state law 24-90-119, the public is prohibited from viewing security camera recordings that contain personally identifying information about library users. There are very limited circumstances under which such information will be disclosed. If the Library District receives a request from the general public to inspect security camera recordings, the requestor will be advised as to whether they qualify for any of the listed exceptions. Library District staff will refer all non-District requests for security camera recordings to the Library District’s legal counsel.
  • Access is allowed to law enforcement pursuant to a subpoena, court order, or when otherwise required by law.
  • Security cameras are not normally monitored. Staff and public should take appropriate precautions for their safety and for the security of personal property. The Library District is not responsible for loss of property or personal injury.
  • Cameras will not be installed for the purpose of monitoring staff performance.
  • Staff and patron safety is the first priority in any threatening situation. The protection of library property is of secondary importance.

Harmony Library is operated as a joint-use library and is owned by Front Range Community College—Larimer Campus (the College), which maintains the physical facility. Security cameras at Harmony Library are installed, owned and maintained by the College in coordination with campus-wide and college-wide FRCC security systems and protocols. Policies and procedures regarding cameras at the Harmony Library are regulated by the College.

Questions from the public may be directed to the Executive Director or Deputy Director.

Adopted on October 10, 2016

The Poudre River Public Library District strives to maintain an environment in which residents and guests are able to use the Library’s resources, services and programs as effectively as possible. A photography and recording policy has been established to govern photography and the use of recording devices by Library staff and the public in order to ensure that this activity does not interfere with the delivery of Library services and that personal privacy is maintained.


Casual amateur photography is permitted in Library facilities for library users and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit. Photography is allowed to the extent that it does not interfere with the provision of library services, and does not violate the Library District’s Behavior Policy. Photography intended for commercial use requires prior permission and is subject to restrictions.

Persons photographing, videotaping, or recording on library premises are responsible for obtaining releases and permissions from persons who are to be photographed, videotaped, or recorded. Taking photographs or videotaping of a minor, an individual under the age of 18, requires the permission of the minor’s parent or guardian. The library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases.

Photography and/or recording during a program presented by a hired specialist, or author is subject to the contractual agreement between the presenter and the Library District.


Photograph or photography – for purposes of this policy, photograph or photography means any method of media capture including image, video and audio recordings of any kind or process, including any method of still image or audiovisual capture now or in the future.

News and Editorial Photography – Photography, audio, or video that will be used in bonafide news coverage in any medium (print, television, radio, online) intended to report on newsworthy events and occurrences.

Commercial Photography: Photography, audio or video that will be used in advertising or other commercial purposes (print, television, radio, online) intended to promote products and services.

Library – for purposes of this policy, Library refers to buildings, property, and vehicles owned, leased, or managed by the Poudre River Public Library District.


  1. The Poudre River Public Library District facilities are considered a limited public forum – recognizing that libraries have the ability to “regulate” speech and speech-related activities occurring on their property as long as the restrictions are both reasonable in nature and viewpoint neutral.
  2. Public areas do not include areas where personal privacy would be expected (i.e., restrooms) or areas and/or events where photographing is prohibited by signage.
  3. Library staff may terminate any photo, filming, or recording session that appears to compromise public safety or security, or violates a Poudre River Public Library District policy.
  4. Individuals recording or photographing on Library premises have sole responsibility to obtain releases and permissions from persons who can be identified in any photograph. The Library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases.
  5. Library sponsored programs, events and classes may be photographed or videotaped for Library promotional or historical purposes. Library staff will make every effort to notify members of the public when photography, recording takes place. Members of the public must immediately notify a library staff member if they do not want to be photographed, recorded, and/or recorded.
  6. Researchers and journalists are responsible for obtaining permissions from material owners when photographing copyrighted material in the Library.
  7. The Library has an open-door policy for news and editorial photographers and reporters who are doing stories or projects that directly involve the Library and its programs with advanced authorization, which can be obtained from the Communications Office. For non-library events and meetings, the news media must receive authorization from the presenting organization, and must notify the Communications Office they have received such authorization. The Library does not allow the news media to use its facilities as a backdrop for stories or projects that do not relate to the Library itself.
  8. The Library may grant the use of its facilities for non-library functions such as a backdrop for a movie or commercials with prior written permission from the Communications Office.

Approved on February 10, 2020

Service Policies

The Poudre River Public Library District provides public programs to further its mission and strategic vision. Library programs utilize staff expertise to provide the community opportunities to access a wide range of information, education, and entertainment.

Library programs include a variety of formats including, but not limited to, storytimes for children, lectures, skill development, arts and culture events, family activities, book discussions, wellness activities, and entertainment. Library programs may take place on Library property, off-property at other locations, or online. Programs may be created for an intended age group or audience based on educational suitability and audience interest.

The District Executive Director entrusts District staff with researching, planning, delivering, and evaluating programs. Staff will use an evaluative process to provide programs that balance:

  • The mission, vision, and values of the District
  • The District Strategic Plan
  • Cost-effective and efficient use of resources
  • Equality of access

The District actively seeks to provide a range of programs that represent a diversity of genres, formats, ideas, and expressions with a multitude of viewpoints and cultural perspectives. Programs should reflect the diversity within and serve the interests of our communities.

The Library does not offer programs that are purely commercial or that conflict with library policies.

Program partnerships and presenters

Public programming may be initiated and implemented by District staff or in partnership with community members and organizations. The Library is receptive to community suggestions for programs, events, and speakers.

The District’s involvement in a program does not constitute an endorsement of the views expressed by partnering organizations, presenters, or participants.

The District does not exclude potential presenters or facilitators from consideration because of their origin, background, or views.


Programs are offered free of charge to all customers regardless of age, race, religion, familial beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnic group, nationality, immigration status, socioeconomic status, sex, gender identity, gender expression, ability, language, religious affiliation, beliefs, age, viewpoints or political affiliation. Poudre Libraries’ philosophy of open access to information and ideas extends to library programming.

The District will make every attempt to accommodate all who wish to attend a program and assure program spaces are accessible to all users. When the safety or success of a program requires it, the District may limit attendance or determine attendance on a first-come, first-served basis, either with advanced registration or at the door.

Parents and guardians may restrict their own minor children’s access to library programs, but no person or organization can interfere in others’ access and participation.

Library programs that occur outside of library property are subject to the rules and regulations of the host property and follow District policies and guidelines.

Programs may be rescheduled or cancelled due to weather, low registration, scheduling conflicts, or other unforeseen circumstances.


The Library will not provide names or other identifying information of people attending programs.

Requests for Reconsideration
Poudre Libraries’ Reconsideration of Library Resources Policy explains the process, eligibility, and decision-making regarding requests for reconsideration.

Revised and approved by the Board of Trustees on September 9, 2024

The Poudre River Public Library District recognizes the importance of the Internet as a valuable informational resource. Therefore, the District provides access to the Internet as a service to the public. The District offers Internet access equally to all users with the understanding that it is the individual user’s responsibility to demonstrate judgment, respect for others, and appropriate conduct while using public library resources and facilities.

The Internet can pose challenges as an information resource. The District cannot monitor or control the content of the Internet. Users may find some sites controversial or inappropriate. Users are responsible for evaluating websites for their content, accuracy and availability. Users are encouraged to take advantage of the vast body of information on the Internet while exercising good judgment.

Use of Filters on District-owned Computers

The Poudre River Public Library District supports the right and responsibility of parents to direct use of the Internet by their own children, and provides convenient access to filtered Internet.

Customers may designate the preferred level of Internet access in their library record. Parents or legal guardians who sign their minor child’s card may designate the preferred level of Internet access on their child’s library record. The filter provided by the District may restrict access to sites that could be deemed objectionable, but may also limit access to sites which have legitimate research value. No filtering system is completely effective or efficient and the District does not accept responsibility for objectionable sites not blocked by the filter.

In compliance with Colorado Revised Statute 24-90-601 the District provides continuous filtering on public Internet computers in all Children’s areas.

Rules of Use

Users are responsible for obeying State and Federal laws. Users may not use District computers to access materials which by local community standards would be considered obscene.

Installation, downloading, or modification of software is not permitted. Only approved personal devices, such as USB drives and media players, may be attached to District computers.

Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted files or networks or to damage or modify computer equipment or software.

Users will respect the privacy of other users, and will refrain from attempting to view or read material being used by others.

The District is not responsible for any commercial transactions conducted by users on District equipment.

Users of the District’s Internet connection may be required to have a valid Poudre River Public Library District card or picture identification.

Users must observe current procedures and limits on time and number of sessions allowed on the Internet.

The District’s Behavior Policy applies to use of the Internet.

Termination or Suspension of User Access

District staff is authorized to take prompt and appropriate action to terminate any user’s access session, given cause to believe that a user has failed to comply with the Rules of Conduct in the Public Access to the Internet Policy or the District’s Behavior Policy. The Executive Director, or his or her designee, may prohibit a user from subsequent access sessions for up to three months from the date of informing the user of that action.

Internet users whose access session has been terminated or suspended for three months will be given information concerning the process to protest the action and/or request that Internet access privileges be reinstated. Temporary or permanent denial of Internet privileges at any District facility will be effective at all Poudre River Public Library District locations.

Library cards are issued to anyone with proof of identification and proof of residence. Limitations and procedures for issuing cards are available from the Circulation Department. Each customer may have only one active library card.

Colorado residents and currently enrolled Front Range Community College students may receive a Poudre River Public Library District card regardless of age and without cost.

The Library District offers two additional card types for special circumstances.

  1. Teacher cards – Teacher cards provide extended borrowing privileges to qualified educators.
  2. Limited cards – Limited cards provide limited borrowing privileges to children who are not able to secure a regular borrowing card and adults with photo identification who lack proof of current District residency.


By receipt of a library card, the customer agrees to:

  • Abide by all library policies and rules;
  • Accept full responsibility for all items checked out on the card and all associated charges;
  • Report loss of a card or change of address promptly.


To provide access to all customers, circulating library materials and resources are checked out for specified periods of time.

In accordance with Colorado Revised Statues 24-90-119, the privacy of the individual library record is protected as follows:

Privacy of User Records

Colorado Revised Statutes, 24-90-119, revised 2005

  1. Except as set forth in subsection (2) of this section, a publicly-supported library shall not disclose any record or other information that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials or service or as otherwise having used the library.
  2. Records may be disclosed in the following instances:
  3. When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library;
  • Upon written consent of the user;
  • Pursuant to subpoena, upon court order, or where otherwise required by law;
  • To a custodial parent or legal guardian who has access to a minor’s library card or its authorization number for the purpose of accessing by electronic means library records of the minor.
  • Any library official, employee, or volunteer who discloses information in violation of this section commits a class 2 petty offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars.
  • All circulating materials are checked out at the Circulation Desk or at self-checkout machines.


Library materials must be returned to a District library or remote materials return.

There are no extended use fees are for overdue materials. Fees are assessed for damaged or non-returned materials. The schedule of fees is detailed below. Refunds are made for lost items returned within sixty (60) days after payment.

An individual’s library card will be blocked from use when fees reach a threshold of $50 or more.

The Library may use the services of a collection agency.

Most library materials may be renewed.

Customers may request materials not owned by the Library through Interlibrary Loan (ILL and Prospector).


Use Fees

Lost Materials: Item cost + a $10.00 processing fee

Damaged Materials: Up to item cost + a $10.00 processing fee

Replacement Fee: $10.00 for collection agency free

No extended use fees are charged on Adult, Children and Teen materials.

The Poudre River Public Library District is a participant in the Colorado Library Card program. This program allows walk-in patrons to check-out materials free of charge from any participating library in the state. It is available for Colorado residents only.

Approved February 14, 2011

Poudre River Public Library District welcomes and encourages children to use the materials and services of the libraries. As libraries are essential to the lives of children, we strive to provide useful, safe and inviting spaces for youth in all of our facilities.

However, neither the library nor its staff members act in loco parentis (in place of parents). The libraries are public facilities which are open to everyone and parents or caregivers are expected to accompany children in need of supervision on library visits to ensure the safety and well-being of their children. At all times, parents or caregivers are responsible for their children’s behavior and safety.

If an unattended child appears to be lost, is being disruptive, or if in the judgment of supervisory staff, his or her safety is jeopardized, library staff will attempt to locate the parent or caregiver. If the parents or caregiver cannot be located, and the child is under the age of twelve years, the child may be placed in the care of the local law enforcement agency.

The library and its staff members will not under any circumstances be responsible for determining whether an apparent caregiver, custodian or parent is a legally authorized caregiver, custodian or custodial parent of the child.

Approved February 14, 2011

Library District staff coordinate art exhibits and create library materials displays in accordance with its mission to serve the diverse information needs and interests of the community.


The Library provides space for exhibition of community art and artistic expression to support cultural enrichment to the community. Visual arts displays are authorized by Library staff according to the current Public Art Exhibit Guidelines that determine the selection, time, place and manner of exhibits.

The District aims to present a broad spectrum of arts expression and provides equitable opportunity to all who request exhibit opportunities. The District reserves the right to refuse to display the work of any artist.

Exhibits, art pieces, and the viewpoints, identities or beliefs of their creators or owners are not to be considered representative of the views of District staff or the Board of Trustees.


District staff regularly plan and arrange displays of Library materials in order to raise community awareness of the quality, relevance, and broad range of materials available for borrowing. Displays also serve to promote new, special or theme-based collections, upcoming public programs, or library services. The District may display library materials that align with a variety of timely and relevant cultural observations and celebrations.

Materials are not excluded from displays because of the origin, background, or views of the authors or creators of displayed materials. Materials are not excluded and will not be removed because of a controversial or unorthodox topic, observance, or theme.

The District handles concerns, questions, or complaints about exhibits or displays according to the Reconsideration of Library Resources Policy.

Purposefully disrupting a display of materials without authorization of District staff is a violation of library behavior policy.

This policy is designed to ensure appropriate use of the District’s social media by library staff and the public.

Poudre River Public Library District uses and encourages the use of multiple social media platforms to share public information, reach new audiences, engage with users more effectively, and enhance services by allowing greater interaction and feedback. The District provides online spaces that offer an extension of library services and resources to further its mission and strategic vision.

The District welcomes public comments, posts, and messages on our social media networks. The District’s social media sites are limited public forums for discussing library initiatives, programs, services, events, and resources. The sites are not intended to be traditional, open public forums for the general exchange of ideas and viewpoints.

Rules for Commenting and Posting

The District reserves the right to monitor content posted to District-owned social media sites and accounts.

The District reserves the right to remove any messages or postings that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate or in violation of the District’s Behavior Policy. Views and opinions posted by members of the public to District social media do not constitute an endorsement by the District, its Board of Trustees, or its staff.

Inappropriate content includes that which violates the law and/or speech that is not protected by the First Amendment. It may also include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Copyright and/or intellectual property rights violations
  • Obscene posts
  • Abusive language and/or personal attacks
  • Hateful or racist comments
  • Libelous comments
  • Comments promoting or perpetuating discrimination toward any person or group
  • Commercial promotion or spam, advertising, or solicitation
  • Specific and implied threats
  • Endorsements of illegal behavior or activity
  • Personal info such as email, telephone number, mailing address, or ID number


Additionally, the District reserves the right to terminate a person’s ability to post, comment, or otherwise participate in the District’s social media tools when the person has posted any of the above listed inappropriate content.

Individuals are responsible for the content of their comments. By choosing to comment or post content on any social media site managed by the District, individuals agree to indemnify the District and its officers and employees from and against all liabilities, judgments, damages, and costs (including attorney’s fees) incurred by, arising out of, or related to the posted content.


The District does not collect, maintain, or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third party site (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) in any way other than to communicate with users on that site. Users should be aware that third party websites have their own privacy policies and use guidelines and should proceed accordingly.

Reconsideration of Social Media Content

The District regularly reviews user requests to add or remove content from its social media platforms. For details on how to submit a request, please review the Reconsideration of Library Resources Policy.

Please Note

Comments posted by the public within Library District social media sites will not be considered as official requests for information or action. Official correspondence and requests will be received through the Library District at 301 E. Olive St, Fort Collins, CO 80524.

Approved April 12, 2021
Revised July 17, 2024
Revised and approved September 9, 2024

Collections Policies

The Collection Development Policy supports the mission, vision and values of the Poudre River Public Library District. This policy guides staff decisions regarding the selection, management and de-selection of library materials to ensure collections are accessible, contemporary, diverse and dynamic in order to meet the needs and interests of our community.

The District’s goal is to provide a collection that is:

  • Accessible – Browsable stacks and useful electronic resources that can be accessed inside or outside of the library. Materials available in varying formats. Items consistently classified for ease of identification at all locations.
  • Contemporary – High interest items mixed with works of lasting value. A collection that is fresh, relevant, diverse and in good condition.
  • Diverse – A wide array of materials that represent a broad range of subjects and points of view, support recreational reading and viewing, encourage and facilitate reading skills, supplement educational needs, and reflect the diversity of the community and our world.
  • Dynamic – Community-driven collections that are responsive to changing demographics and community interests and needs.

The District supports the right of each customer to decide which items are appropriate for their own personal use.

The District maintains that parents and guardians have the right and the responsibility to determine their minor children’s — and only their children’s — access to library resources. Minors are defined as people under 18 years of age.

Materials are not selected or excluded on the basis of:

  • race, ethnic group, nationality, immigration status, socioeconomic status, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, language, religious affiliation, beliefs, age or viewpoint of the creator,
  • frankness or coarseness of language,
  • controversial nature of an item including art or graphics
  • endorsement or disapproval of an item by an individual or organization, or
  • the possibility that materials may be accessed and used by minors.

Specific items acquired for the collection may include those that are unorthodox, unpopular with the majority, or controversial in nature. The district’s acquisition of such material does not constitute an endorsement of the material’s content or creator.

The District endorses the following statements:

  • American Library Association’s (ALA) Freedom to Read statement
  • The ALA’s Library Bill of Rights
  • ALA Statements on Library Labeling Systems
  • ALA Access to Digital Resources and Services
  • ALA Access to Library Resources and Services to Minors
  • Urban Libraries Council Declaration of Democracy

Responsibility for Selection

Responsibility for materials selection and deselection for the District rests with the Executive Director, who entrusts to professional staff the responsibilities of selecting, managing and deselecting materials.


The District aims to provide collections that offer variety, depth, breadth and relevance to the community.

The District continually gathers and analyzes data, including circulation statistics, survey results, demographic studies, customer requests and comments to anticipate demand for new materials. The District continually strives to improve the usefulness and appeal of its collections. The emphasis is on acquiring materials of wide-ranging interest to the general public.

The collection is not archival and is reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis to meet contemporary needs. Items generally excluded from selection include: textbooks, workbooks, and curriculum-related work, unless they are considered useful to the general reader.

Selection Guidelines

Staff will acquire, make available, and encourage the use of materials that:

  • help people learn about themselves and their world;
  • encourage lifelong learning and provide educational support;
  • stimulate thoughtful participation and engagement in the affairs of the community, the country, and the world;
  • provide access to a variety of opinions on matters of current interest and encourage freedom of expression;
  • support educational, civic, and cultural activities within the community; and
  • assist the individual to grow intellectually and enjoy life more fully.

Selection Criteria

Materials need not meet all criteria to be selected.

  • Requests from community customers
  • Local interest and demand
  • Critical reviews in standard selection journals and other media
  • Appropriateness within the scope of the District’s collections
  • Authoritativeness or popularity of author, artist, publisher or producer
  • Significance, permanence or timeliness of subject matter
  • Literary merit and artistic quality
  • Major publicity
  • Suitability of format
  • Relationship and importance to the entire collection
  • Physical space required for shelving and display
  • Date of publication
  • Price

At the Harmony Library on the Front Range Community College (FRCC) — Larimer Campus staff select and maintain College-owned materials consistent with FRCC collection development policies. FRCC selection criteria are based on meeting the needs of FRCC faculty and students.


The District maintains collections in varied formats to best meet the diverse needs of its community. The District acknowledges both the enduring demand for many traditional formats, such as the printed book, as well as accelerating technological advances in digital formats. The District monitors the development of, and demand for, new formats and strives to respond by offering materials in a variety of formats. Older formats with sustained decreasing use over time will be deemphasized and eventually deselected.


The District may accept gifts of both book and non-book materials. Donated materials are subject to the District’s selection criteria and may be added to the collections, discarded, donated to other charitable organizations or sold at the Library’s discretion. Donated items, including review copies, become the  property of the Library and will not be returned to the donor.

The District will accept and add to the collection one copy of materials created by Colorado authors that meet our collection criteria.

De-selection of Materials

De-selection (also known as ‘weeding’) of dated, worn, redundant and obsolete materials in the collection is as important to maintaining relevant collections as the selection of new materials. Systematic de-selection of materials in the collection by Collections Management staff is required in order to keep the collection responsive to customers’ needs; ensure vitality, currency and usefulness; eliminate worn materials and multiple copies of titles no longer popular and create shelf and display space for newer materials in each library.

Materials withdrawn from District collections are given to the Poudre River Friends of the Library. Materials that are damaged or otherwise unusable will be recycled and disposed of responsibly.

Requests for Reconsideration of Collection Materials

The District reviews user requests to reconsider items in District collections. For details on the process and how to submit a request please review the Reconsideration of Library Resources Policy. The District abides by Public Libraries Colorado Revised Statutes 24-90-122

Revised and approved on September 9, 2024 

In pursuit of its mission, Poudre Libraries provides access to a wide range of resources, including print and digital materials for reading, viewing, listening, and research. The Library also creates and implements public programs, materials displays, and digital and social media content. Additionally, the Library coordinates limited public art exhibits. Library resources are accessible to all library users.
The Library bases its selection and creation of library resources on criteria provided in its policies, including:
  • Collection Development
  • Exhibits and Displays
  • Programming
  • Social Media
The Library also uses its mission statement, core values, and current strategic goals to select and create resources for library users.
An individual concerned with the appropriateness of a Library District resource may discuss their concerns with a library staff member or share questions, comments, and concerns in writing. In addition, if requirements provided in this policy and in Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS) 24-90-122 are met, an individual may submit a formal request for reconsideration of  Library resources using the Request for Reconsideration form.
Request Eligibility
  • Individuals who reside within the legal service area of the Poudre River Public Library District are eligible to submit a request for reconsideration to the library director.
  • Anonymous, incomplete, or ineligible requests will not receive a response and will be rejected.
  • Resources that the District has reviewed within the past five years in response to a formal reconsideration request are ineligible for reconsideration.
  • A separate Request for Reconsideration Form must be submitted for each library material, resource, program, exhibit or display of concern.
  • Request forms may be completed online, delivered to library staff at any Poudre Libraries public facility, or mailed to the Administrative Center, 301 E. Olive St., Fort Collins, CO 80524.
Request Review Process and Resolution
Upon receipt of a complete and eligible Request for Reconsideration Form from an individual residing within the District service area, the library director will appoint a staff committee to review the request. The committee will review and evaluate the resource using criteria from District policies and values statements that pertain to the request. A committee member will contact the requestor to acknowledge receipt of the form.

Library resources, programs, exhibits, displays or library-created content under reconsideration will not be canceled, paused, removed, or modified during the review process.

After completing its evaluation, the committee will provide the library director with a written recommendation in response to the request. The library director will then decide on a resolution for the request based upon the committee’s recommendation.

The director will send a written response to the requestor within 30 business days from the date the request was received.

The request and the director’s decision will be issued to the Poudre River Public Library District Board of Trustees and will become public record. The library director’s decision regarding a reconsideration request is final and will be upheld for five years.

Requests for Reconsideration and the Colorado Open Records Act

Written requests for reconsideration are subject to the Colorado Open Records Act. CRS 24-90-122(3)(II)(f) specifies that “A written request for reconsideration of a library resources is not a library user record as described in Section 24-90-119 (1). A written request for reconsideration is an open record under the ‘Colorado Open Records Act’ part 2 of Article 72 of this Title 24.”

Revised and approved by the Board of Trustees on September 9, 2024

If you have requested a reconsideration of Library resources using the How’d We Do? form and received a response that you wish to appeal, please complete the Request for Reconsideration form.

Note: the Request for Reconsideration form is only for appeals of previous decisions.

Federal & State Law

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-325), the District will make reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its facilities, resources, programs, and services. Individuals with disabilities may request accommodation and are welcome to discuss their access to District resources with District staff. The District will endeavor to find positive solutions to requests for accommodations that are reasonable and satisfactory to both the individual and the District.

Poudre River Public Library District is committed to providing access to public records in compliance with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) (C.R.S. § 24-72-201 to 206.)

The District maintains public records according to requirements set forth in the Colorado State Archives’ Special District Records Management Manual. See the District’s Records Retention policy for details.

The District will work to respond in a timely and efficient way to requests for public records included in the District retention schedule, within the response times detailed in CORA. The District’s response to CORA requests will be limited to documents included in the District retention schedule.

All CORA requests are subject to review by the District’s legal counsel.

The District maintains procedures for requesting CORA-qualifying public records, which are provided below. Requests for public records may be made using the Open Records Request Form, or sent via mail or email to the Executive Director. Details are provided in the procedures.


The District will only produce those documents as permitted by CORA. Documents that are prohibited from disclosure under CORA will not be released.

Fees and Costs

Fees for research and retrieval of public records may be imposed at the discretion of the records custodian as follows:

1st Hour – No Charge

More than 1 Hour – $41.37/hour

Hourly research and retrieval fees may be adjusted for inflation pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-72-205(b). Other fees may be imposed at the discretion of the records custodian consistent with the provisions of CORA.

The District maintains procedures for requesting CORA-qualifying public records, which are provided below. Requests for public records may be made using the Open Records Request Form, or sent via mail or email to the Executive Director.

Suspension of Library Privileges

The executive director, library directors, authorized security personnel, the manager on duty, or their designee may restrict access to library facilities, resources, and services with immediate dismissal of the person from the premises by suspending the person’s access to library facilities for a set period or by denying access to specific services and/or programs.

The suspension or period of restricted access shall be reasonably related to the severity of the offense, the number of repeated offenses and their danger to public health, safety, and welfare and shall not, except for criminal offenses of a sexual nature, exceed one year. Suspensions or restricted access may range from 24 hours (for a relatively minor first offense) to a year or longer for serious disruptions, repeat offenses, and criminal acts of a violent or sexual nature.

Right of Appeal

An individual may appeal a suspension decision to the Library District’s Executive Director by filing a written statement of appeal, including the basis of the appeal. The Executive Director has the discretion to reduce a suspension. A final appeal may be made to the District’s Board of Trustees or its designee. If the suspension involves a student of Front Range Community College, the Library District will make appeal decisions in concert with the Vice President of Front Range Community College Larimer Campus.

Appeal Delivery Address

Executive Director
Poudre Libraries
301 E. Olive St.
Fort Collins, CO 80522