All Access Card
It’s easier than ever to access all that Poudre Libraries has to offer. Visit any library and present a photo ID and proof of Colorado address.
Digital Access Card
Sign up online and get instant access to eBooks, digital audiobooks, media, online databases, and more. If you already have an All Access card you do not need a Digital card.
Flex Card
Visit any library and present an ID to sign up for access to our entire digital materials and some physical collections. If you already have an All Access card you do not need a Flex card.
All Access Card
An All Access Card allows you to:
Check out up to 100 physical items.
Place up to 20 holds.
Download and/or stream digital books, audiobooks, movies, music, and magazines.
Access research databases and online learning courses.
Access public computers and laptop kiosks.
- Use free printing.
Visit any of the District’s library locations and present a photo ID and proof of Colorado address to obtain an All Access Card.
Accepted Photo IDs
Acceptable photo IDs must be current and valid and include:
Driver’s license, provisional license, international license, or student license
Colorado digital ID
ID card from the Department of Motor Vehicles
Alien Registration Card
Current and valid military or school identification
Current and valid passport
Accepted Proof of Current Colorado Address
Acceptable proof of current Colorado address
Driver’s license, provisional license, international license, or student license
Colorado digital ID
ID card from the Department of Motor Vehicles
Paper or digital utility deposit receipt or bill
Voter registration
Official rent receipt or rental agreement
Closing document from property purchase
Postmarked mail with your name on it
Children Under the Age of 12
Children under 12, without current school ID, must have a parent or legal guardian present to sign their card. Parents/Guardians are financially responsible for their child’s account and for the selection and use of resources by their minor children.
Teens Ages 12 - 17 Years
Teens can get a library card without their parent or guardian being present. They can present their current student ID, Colorado photo ID, or a Colorado driver’s license or permit at any of our public library locations to become a cardholder.
Colorado State University
CSU students, faculty, and staff can opt-in to use their RamCards as public library cards. Learn how to opt-in via RamWeb.
Front Range Community College – Larimer Campus
Students can use their Wolf cards as library cards by coming to the library and authenticating their card.
Digital Access Card
Use the online form to apply for a Digital Card to:
Download and stream digital books, audiobooks, movies, music, and magazines.
Access research databases and online learning courses.
Access public computers.
Use free printing.
To check out physical items, place Interlibrary loan requests, or use the laptop kiosk, you will need to upgrade to an All Access Card or a Flex Card. Visit any of the District’s public library locations and talk to a staff member.
Flex Card
Apply for a Flex Card at any library with just your photo ID.
Check out up to 5 physical items.
Place up to 5 holds.
Download and stream digital books, audiobooks, movies, music, and magazines.
Access research databases and online learning courses.
Access public computers.
Use free printing.
To place Interlibrary loan requests, or to check out items from our Gadgets & Things Collection, Curiosity Pass, or laptop kiosk you will need to upgrade to an All Access Card. To do this, visit any of the District’s public library locations and talk to a staff member.
Temporary or out-of-state residents may obtain a Flex Card with a photo ID.
Teacher Card
Teachers of young children through high school students may qualify for a Teacher Card. Licensed day care providers, preschool teachers, parents who homeschool, and public, private, and charter school teachers are welcome to apply.
Qualifications & Requirements
Teachers must live or work within the Library District’s legal service area, which is the same geographic area as the Poudre School District (PSD). Teachers working at a school outside of the Library District / PSD boundary may qualify with proof of current teaching credentials at a preschool, private, charter, or public school.
To qualify, teachers must show proof of current teaching status using one of the following:
School ID including photo
Paycheck stub from school with accompanying photo ID
Proof of employment at a school printed on school letterhead with accompanying photo ID
Current Child Care Provider License and photo ID
Proof of current homeschooling status, available through Poudre School District’s Student Outreach Department. Homeschooling teachers must agree to allow PSD to release verification of homeschooling status to the Library.
Teacher Library Cards are for classroom and professional support only; they are not to be used for personal borrowing. Teacher Library Cards expire annually on September 30. Cards must be clear of fees to be renewed.
Check Outs & Loan Periods
Check out up to 100 items per card, with up to 20 DVDs and 20 magazines.
Most Library items may be renewed up to three times if the item is not on hold for another customer. Most Prospector items may be renewed once. Automatic renewals occur unless the item is on hold for another customer or your account is blocked. You can also renew materials online via “My Account” or call 970-221-6740
Borrowing Periods
Books, magazines, audio CDs, Tales Kits: 6 weeks
DVDs: 2 & 6 weeks
Book Club Kits: 12 weeks
The Teacher Library Card may not be used to borrow items from Lucky Day, Here and Now, or Gadgets & Things collections. Standard loan periods apply to items requested through Interlibrary Loan and Prospector.
Additional Information
About Your Library Card
Treat your card as you would a credit card; report a lost or stolen card immediately. Library cards that are not used for a physical checkout in 3 years will be considered inactive and removed from the system.
By using your Poudre Libraries card, you agree to abide by all Library policies and rules. You accept full responsibility for all items checked out on your card and for all charges associated with its use. Please report loss of card and change of address promptly. Parents/guardians are financially responsible for materials borrowed by their minor children.
Colorado Library Card (CLC) Project
We honor cards from other Colorado public libraries as part of the Colorado Library Card (CLC) project. A card from Poudre Libraries will be issued with a valid ID to these card holders.
Privacy of Library User Records
COLORADO LIBRARY LAW (Colorado Revised Statutes, 24-90-119, revised 2005)
Except as set forth in subsection (2) of this section, a publicly-supported library shall not disclose any record or other information that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials or service or as otherwise having used the library.
Records may be disclosed in the following instances:
When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library;
Upon written consent of the user;
Pursuant to subpoena, upon court order, or where otherwise required by law;
To a custodial parent or legal guardian who has access to a minor’s library card or its authorization number for the purpose of accessing by electronic means library records of the minor.
Any library official, employee, or volunteer who discloses information in violation of this section commits a class 2 petty offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars.