Explore Across Time
Discover how the events of the past created the present, map out your family tree with the journeys of your ancestors, and research with primary and secondary resources.
Fort Collins History Connection
Local History
Glimpse into the past with a collection of unique historical materials, oral histories, and photographs on Fort Collins History Connection, a collaboration between Poudre Libraries and the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery.
One-on-One Genealogy Help
Personalized Research Help
Get free family history research and genealogy assistance from Larimer County Genealogical Society volunteers most Thursdays at Old Town Library from 1-3 PM.
My Heritage
Extensive Genealogical Information
Discover billions of historical documents and millions of historical photos from thousands of databases into one easy-to-use, mobile-friendly interface available in multiple languages.
All Genealogy & History Databases
Explore billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos and more in this online collection of individuals from North America, the UK, Europe, Australia, and more.
This database is not accessible with a temporary card.
Library use only Due to licensing restrictions, this site is not available for at-home use.
Cemetery maps and records about the deceased buried in Roselawn or Grandview cemeteries in Fort Collins.
A collection of historical newspaper spreads representing the period from 1836-1922. Text-to-speech available.
Explore more than 1.5 million digitized pages, representing 335+ individual newspaper titles published in Colorado from 1859 to 1923. Due to copyright restrictions, CHNC does not generally include newspapers published after 1923.
Full-text content of local and regional news. (1999 - current). Available in multiple languages.
Archive of historical materials, records, and photographs from Fort Collins and the Cache la Poudre region created by a collaboration between Poudre River Public Library District and the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery.
Encyclopedia-like resource with background information, academic articles, magazine coverage, photos, and videos on hundreds of significant people, events, and topics in U.S. history.
Library use only FRCC students, instructors, and staff may login remotely using their S numbers
Encyclopedia-like resource with background information, primary sources, academic articles, and images about ancient and modern cultures and societies.
Library use only FRCC students, instructors, and staff may login remotely using their S numbers
Full-text reference books, encyclopedias and nonfiction books from leading history publishers. Includes images, video recordings and primary sources. For secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges, and undergraduate research. Available in multiple languages. Text-to-speech available in HTML format.
Search specialized sources on American history and world history. Available in multiple languages. Text-to-speech available.
Full Collection. History, art, and anthropology students use for older journal articles, books, images, and primary sources. Includes Artstor, images of museum and archive holdings, like artifacts, paintings, photographs, advertisements, and other original art.
Library use only FRCC students, instructors, and staff may login remotely using their S numbers
Connect with the digitized collection of materials chronicling American historical events including recordings, images, maps, sheet music, and more.
Search for genealogical information across historical documents, historical photos, and multiple databases with one search. Available in multiple languages.
Access records for New England, New York and beyond. Contains vital records (births, deaths, marriages) by state and locality for selected time periods. There are church records, probate records, and histories of individual families, as well as cemetery and burial records, local histories, court records and land records.
Due to licensing restrictions, this site is not available for at-home use.
Fire insurance maps that show locations of businesses and residences in downtown areas of major towns in Colorado. Maps depict the size and footprints of the buildings.
This genealogical database contains over 500,000 individuals mainly of Spanish and Native American heritage. Compiled by Ladeane Miller.
Due to licensing restrictions, this site is not available for at-home use.
Keep Exploring
Discover the inspiring stories and accomplishments of trailblazing women from Colorado history across different periods.
Discover the legacy of black leaders and individuals from Colorado. Learn how they shaped the state and find hand-picked book selections.
Discover the stories of Black individuals and communities that have shaped Colorado's history.
Discover the inspiring stories of Hispanic and Latinx leaders in Northern Colorado.
Explore Black History in Fort Collins and important figures and events that have shaped Northern Colorado.
Discover a stunning arboretum in Library Park that includes a Giant Sequoia.
Discover the amusing story of a book returned after 40 years and its decades of use.
Take a trip down memory lane with summer reading memories! Discover the nostalgic moments of unforgettable summers.