Feature films, documentaries, television shows, and movies of all genres. Stream from home on your digital device or television, or check out a DVD or Blu-Ray from the collection.
Stream movies, TV shows, and classes from popular producers and independent filmmakers including international, classic, and documentary films.
Enjoy kid-friendly entertainment including PBS Kids content, science and math exploration, foreign language learning, and animated story favorites!
Get on-demand access to eBooks, audiobooks, music, movies, TV shows, and more. No wait times!
Choose from more than 400 themed DVD collections all gathered into one "binge box" for a spectacular movie or TV series night. Themed by genre, actor/director, series, and more.
Find the latest movie and television series releases and your favorite classics on DVD and Blu-Ray
Stream videos, movies and TV shows. In-library use only. FRCC students, instructors, and staff may log in remotely using their S numbers.
Browse the latest DVD and Blu-Ray additions to the collection.
Search and borrow items from partner libraries with Prospector or through interlibrary loan.