Howl of the Hearts Poetry Competition celebrates the creativity of our Northern Colorado poets community! Teens (grades 6-12) or Adults (ages 18-up) are welcome to submit a poem. Make sure to read the competition rules before submitting!
Submissions will open for the 2025 contest during Fort Collins Book Fest, February 7-17, 2025. Judging will take place between February 24-March 24, 2025. The Howl of the Hearts Poetry Contest Reading will take place on April 10, 2025 at 7:00pm at the Front Range Community College Larimer Campus, Grays Peak Atrium.
- Entries must be received between February 7 and February 17th, 2025.
- Poets must reside in the service area or be customers of the Poudre River Public Library District, or be affiliated with Front Range Community College (as a student, staff, or instructor at Boulder County, Larimer, Online, or Westminster Campus).
- Poets may enter in one category only: Teens (grades 6-12) or Adults (ages 18-up).
- Each poet may submit no more than one poem. The total number of pages for all poems should be no longer than 40 lines.
- Poems must be unpublished and original content.
- Please do not include the poet’s name in the PDF title or in the PDF content.
Howl of the Hearts Poetry Competition Rules
Poudre Libraries and Front Range Community College welcome local poets to enter the poetry contest, Howl of the Hearts! Poets will compete for the chance to win gift card prizes and other honors. Finalists will be invited to read their poems aloud at a special poetry reading on April 10, 2025.
The Howl of the Hearts poetry reading will kick-off National Poetry Month and celebrate the creativity of Poudre Libraries and FRCC community members.
Rules for Howl of the Hearts, the Revival of Poudre Libraries’ Poetry Contest, 2025
Entries must be received, between February 7 and February 17, 2025 (during Fort Collins Book Fest).
Poets must reside in the service area or be customers of the Poudre River Public Library District or be affiliated with Front Range Community College (as a student, staff, instructor, or faculty at Boulder County, Larimer, Online, or Westminster Campus).
Poets may enter in one category only: Teens (grades 6-12) or Adults (ages 18-up).
Each poet may submit no more than one poem. Poems should be no longer than 40 lines.
Poems must be unpublished and original content. Poems may not be submitted to other contests or journals at the same time as Howl of the Hearts.
Poems must be uploaded to the official online entry form for the contest, located on the library website.
The entry form and contact information must be filled out correctly and completely.
The top ten finalists (five poets from the Teens category and five poets from the Adults category) will read aloud their poems to an audience at the Howl of the Hearts poetry reading on April 10, 2025. Awards will be announced during the reading. Winners do not have to be present to win.
How to Enter
- Poets must submit their poem as a PDF, via the contest form on the library website.
- Please double check your poem for spelling and content accuracy before submitting.
- The entry form must include the poet’s name, phone number, and email address.
- Check the box for the category the poet will be entering “Teen” (grades 6-12) or “Adult” (ages 18-up). By clicking “Teen” or “Adult,” the entrant confirms that they are in the actual age or grade group indicated. A poet can only enter their poem in one category.
- Check the box for the poet’s affiliation (Poudre Libraries or Front Range Community College).
- One poem may be submitted per poet. The poem should be no longer than 40 lines and the PDF file should no larger than 10 megabytes.
- Poems should be typed in Arial font and size 12 (unless a different font or font size is needed for creative impact.)
- Poems must be uploaded as a PDF to the submission form. The PDF must be named with the poem’s title, no spaces or special characters (example: PoemsTitle.pdf). The poem title should also be included in the content of the PDF, which allows for spaces and special characters. Please do not include the poet’s name in the PDF title or in the PDF content.
- Entrants are responsible for reading and following all the rules and must click the box provided that says: “I confirm that I have read and understand the contest rules and I agree to follow them.”
Judging and Announcement of Winners
The entries will be judged by committees comprised of community members with a knowledge of poetry, including Poudre Libraries staff, Front Range Community College (FRCC) students, staff, and instructors, and community members. Judging will be anonymous, and the judges’ decisions are final. Judging will take place between February 24-March 24, 2025.
Ten poems will be selected as finalists (five in the Adult category and five in the Teen category).
Finalist and Honorable Mention poets will be notified by March 28, 2025. By April 4, the ten finalists must respond that they will read their poem at the poetry reading on April 10, 2024. On April 10, the ten finalists will read their poems from 7:00pm-8:30pm at FRCC-Larimer Campus, Grays Peak Atrium.
Chapbooks containing the Finalist and Honorable Mention poems will be available at the poetry reading program, free of charge. The chapbooks will also be available as a downloadable eBook on the library website after the program.
Finalists and Honorable Mention poets will be acknowledged during the April 10 poetry reading and the winners will be announced at the conclusion of the event.
Adult winners will receive gift cards for First Place ($100); Second Place ($75); and Third Place ($50). Teen winners will receive gift cards for First Place ($100); Second Place ($75); and Third Place ($50). All finalists and Honorable Mentions poets will receive certificates and other special tributes.
The Poudre River Public Library District is not responsible for entries that were not received. By entering this contest, you give Poudre Libraries permission to publish your name and poem, should your entry win.
Important Dates
- February 7-17, 2025: Poem submissions accepted.
- February 24-March 24, 2025: Judges will review submissions and select finalists.
- March 24-28, 2025: Finalists and Honorable Mention poets will be contacted.
- March 30-April 3, 2025: Finalists confirm if they can read their poems at Howl of the Hearts (April 10).
- April 9, 2025, 6:30pm-8:30pm: MC and finalists rehearse (optional).
- April 10, 2025, 6:30pm-8:30pm: Howl of the Hearts: Reception, poetry reading, and awards.