Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions, we have answers.
Learn more about Poudre Libraries’ resources and services with our frequently asked questions. If you can’t find your answer below, contact us.
My Account
I don’t know or can’t remember my Library card number/ barcode. Can you look it up for me?
Yes. Please call the Answer Center at 970-221-6740 or visit one of the libraries. You will need to verify your identity in order for us to share the card number. We will email the card number to the email address associated with the account.
What should I do if I forgot my PIN?
If you forget your PIN, you have a few options for resetting it online, by phone, or in person. Visit the Manage Your Account page to get specific details on resetting your PIN. We can reset your PIN to the year you were born.
I returned a book or other item but it’s still showing up on my account. What do I do?
Due to pick up schedules, items returned to our remote drop boxes may take a few days to show up on your account. If you’ve returned an item recently and it is still showing on your account, please contact the Answer Center at 970-221-6740.
How do I pay for lost or damaged items?
You can pay lost or damaged material fees with a credit or debit card online through your library account, over the phone, or at the Customer Service Desks at our locations. The library also accepts cash payments.
Who can access information about my account?
While some library staff members have access to your library account in order to assist you with library-related activities, they are prohibited by law to disclose this information. Colorado Library Law guides library user privacy and instances when a public library is required to share records.
Library records and account information may be disclosed in the following instances:
- When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library;
- Upon written consent of the user;
- Pursuant to subpoena, upon court order, or where otherwise required by law;
- To a custodial parent or legal guardian who has access to a minor’s library card or its authorization number for the purpose of accessing by electronic means library records of the minor.
Library Cards
How do I get a library card?
Visit any library location to sign up for an All-Access library card with a photo ID and proof of current Colorado address. You can also use the online form to get a Digital Flex card. Learn more on the Get a Library Card page.
What should I do if I lost my Library card?
Treat your card as you would a credit card; report a lost or stolen card immediately. Call the Answer Center at 970-221-6740 or visit a library location. Your card will be blocked from others using it until you bring a photo ID to the library.
Do Colorado State University and FRCC-Larimer Campus students qualify for library cards?
Yes. Students at both schools can use their student ID to access Poudre Libraries’ materials and digital resources. Learn more on the Get a Library Card page.
Borrowing Materials
Can I borrow items at one library and return them to another?
Yes! Poudre Libraries accepts returns at any library location and at our remote dropboxes.
Where can I return items?
Poudre Libraries accepts returns at any library location and at our remote dropboxes. See a map of all of our dropboxes on the Borrowing Basics page.
You can place, cancel, and freeze holds through your online library account or by calling the Answer Center at 970-221-6740. Find the steps for managing holds on the Borrowing Basics page.
How do I place a hold?
You can place, cancel, and freeze holds through your online library account or by calling the Answer Center at 970-221-6740. Find the steps for managing holds on the Borrowing Basics page.
What does it mean that an item is “available” / “checked in” / “ready for pickup” / “in transit”?
This designation lets you know the status of the book or item you’re interested in borrowing.
- Available = the item is available for check out at the location indicated; you can go to the library and check it out or you can put it on hold and have it delivered to another library for pick up
- Checked in = the item has been checked into our system. Items that have been checked in can be placed on hold.
- Ready for pickup = the item you placed on hold is ready for you to pick up at the library. You have 7 days to pick up a hold before it is given to the next person in the queue.
- In transit = the item is being moved between libraries and delivered to a location to be shelved and made available.
Can someone else pick up my hold?
Yes. You can designate another person to pick up your hold.
- A friend or family member may use your library card to pick up your hold(s).
- Visit any library with your photo ID and staff can add a “pick up person” to your account who has permissions.
- Take a photo of your library card and barcode; send that to your family member or friend along with a statement indicating the person has permission to pick up your hold(s).
What do you have besides books and DVDs?
The Library has lots of different types of materials and formats:
How do I request an item through Prospector or Interlibrary loan?
Visit the Borrowing from Other Libraries page to learn more about using Prospector and Interlibrary loan. Please start with searching the Library catalog, then Prospector before making an Interlibrary loan request.
How much does Interlibrary loan cost?
This service is free unless a lending library charges a fee. You will be notified of any costs prior to the library completing the request. Costs are paid by the customer.
Meeting Rooms
How do I reserve a Library meeting room or study room?
Reservations can be made online using our reservation system or by calling the Answer Center at 970-221-6740.
Visit the Meeting & Study Rooms page to make a reservation, learn more about our rooms, and review the use guidelines.
What is the meeting room policy?
The District’s meeting room policy is available online. Poudre Libraries provide large meeting spaces free of charge to community members for the presentation and exchange of information and opinions of all kinds.
- Meeting rooms are available for nonprofit organizations and groups
- Activities must be free and open to the public
- No onsite fundraising or commercial activities
Can I bring food or drink to the library?
Yes. Please keep lids on all drinks, be courteous of others, and clean up after you finish your food or drink.
Computers & Printing
Does the Library loan laptops?
Yes. You can check out and use a Chromebook from our laptop kiosks located at Old Town and Council Tree Libraries. These laptops are for in-library use only.
You can check out a Chromebook and hotspot from our Gadgets & Things Collection to use offsite.
How does the free printing work?
Each library cardholder receives 200 copy/print credits per month. Unused credits do not roll over at the end of the month. You can print from library computers or use our mobile printing service to print from your own device.
- 1 credit per side of page for black and white
- 5 credits per side of page for color
Visit our Print, Copy, Scan, Fax page for more information.
The library does not currently offer a process to add additional credits or to pay for copy/print pages.
Do you have computer classes?
Yes! We have computer and tech classes and programs in English and Spanish. Visit our online events calendar for class descriptions and schedule.
Do you have an app?
Yes. The My Poudre Libraries App is available for free download to your digital device.
How does 3D printing work?
Visit our 3D printing page for details about how to create and submit a 3D design file for printing.
Additional Questions
How do I donate books?
The Friends of the Library accept donations of gently used books at the Administration Center, located at 301 E. Olive St., Fort Collins, 80524. Please use the driveway on the east side of the admin building to access the shelves under the overhang.
Receipts for donations are available at the circulation desks at the three libraries and at the Administrative Center.
How do I book a class visit or library tour?
Complete the Library Ambassadors online request form or talk with your school’s Poudre Library Ambassador.
How do I request a visit from Evie?
Want Evie in attendance at your community event? Fill out the request form on the Evie the Mobile Library page. Evie will bring her electric time and personality to select programs and events across the Library District.
What home delivery services are available?
Home Delivery Services are available for people with physical limitations due to age, illness, accident, or disability that keep them from visiting the library in person. We work with library volunteers to deliver and pick-up library materials, including books, audiobook CDs, and DVDs, items from our Gadgets and Things collection, and more.
How do I suggest a title for the Library collection?
Anyone with a valid Poudre River Public Library card may suggest titles to add to the collection. Use the online “Suggest a Purchase” form to send us your suggestion.
How do I submit a comment / provide feedback?
There are various ways to get in touch with the library to provide feedback, ask a question, or get help. Our Contact Us page is a great place to start. You’ll find options for getting in touch depending upon your need.
Can I hang up or pass out my flyer in the Library?
Maybe. The Library has bulletin boards for community groups to hang informational flyers as long as they meet the policy requirements. Please read through Policy 3.3 Posting of Community Information and Materials for specific details and requirements.
Groups and individuals may not pass out flyers inside the libraries but can do so outside the buildings in designated “Free Speech Zones.” Read the Solicitation and Petitioning Policy for specific locations and prohibited activities. A map of the Free Speech Zones at Old Town Library is available online.
Using Your Library
Explore area museums, galleries, and cultural attractions with a Curiosity Pass.
Discover our new website's improved features and intuitive navigation for an enhanced library experience.
Spark imaginations with storytimes, board and picture books, and have fun with early learning skills.
Never miss a hold notice! You can sign up for text alerts for your library card.
Navigate the variety of account options including setting a PIN and turning on your reading history.
Can't find a book or other item? Find it with Prospector or interlibrary loan.