Yes, Some Books Do Read Themselves

Find out how read-along books can engage children and provide caregivers with a break.
Two young children wearing headphones while reading playaway books

By Annaclaire Crumpton

Modern technologies have opened up so many doors; from connecting with others across the world in an instant, to television on demand, to reading digital books. But what if the books could read themselves to you? 

Seriously, self-reading books? Seriously, self-reading books. They’re waiting for you in the Poudre Libraries collection – 596 of them to be exact, including Wonderbooks and Vox Books.   

They’re known as read-alongs! 

The Wonder of Read-Alongs 

Read-alongs provide a remarkable way to engage young children in the world of reading.Busy parents and caregivers can take a break while children are read to by the book itself.  

This unique reading format (physical books with audio components) can also instill in children a sense of independence and confidence in reading along with a book that may exceed their reading level.  

Why Use Read-Alongs? 

The numbers about literacy and reading in early childhood speak for themselves. Studies have shown boosts/drops in literacy skills depending on how early in life a child is read to. Other factors include how much a young child is read to, and how many different words they hear in their daily environment. Here are a few statistics about early literacy: 

Decades of research confirm the importance of reading and speaking in early life. With read-alongs, caregivers who are busy making dinner or working late can provide a hands-off reading opportunity to their young children. One might call read-alongs a win-win situation.  

Read-alongs do not replace a parent or caregiver reading to a child. However, they do supplement and enhance children’s reading experiences by providing a fuss-free literacy activity. 

How Do They Work? 

Wonderbooks and Vox books are physical books with an audio component in the book. This means the physical picture book includes an external piece that houses the audio version of the book.  

Read-alongs come with an on and off button, volume controls, a rewind/fast-forward option, as well as an external speaker, and a headphone jack. 

On hoopla and OverDrive, read-alongs are fully digital. A narrator reads straight from the browser or application while young readers follow along.  

Explore Read-Alongs 

Our collection includes read-alongs from Wonderbooks, Vox Books, and digital versions available through our download platforms hoopla and OverDrive. Children and adults alike can sit back while the read-along works its magic. 

Check out a read-along from us today! Find them in our catalog. Below we have included video instructions for using our various read-alongs. 

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